My near term plan is to downsize. Basically, give up the 9-5 lifestyle and be a bartender at a resort in Mexico or refill air tanks at the dive shop. I've managed to stay out of debt so once I sell my house, cars, furniture, appliances, etc., I will have no financial obligations other than my cell phone and auto insurance. So my expenses will be very minimal. The equity in my house and after selling all the material shit I own, I'll be able to live in a simple small apartment, in a resort town, and work 3 days out of the week. The rest of the days, I'll be diving or something. My funds should easily take me to 65 or whatever the age is to start drawing off my 401k.
I've talked to other people who have done this. My gf's uncle is living in Hawaii, renting out cars to tourists. His wife is a part time realtor. They used to be software engineers in San Diego CA, both making six digits. The trick is to be willing to give up what you have now and go small. Go simple. Remember how simple life was when you were an E-3 in the Army?
You still have small kids so I don't know if this will work for you. My son is grown and on his own.
I've talked to other people who have done this. My gf's uncle is living in Hawaii, renting out cars to tourists. His wife is a part time realtor. They used to be software engineers in San Diego CA, both making six digits. The trick is to be willing to give up what you have now and go small. Go simple. Remember how simple life was when you were an E-3 in the Army?
You still have small kids so I don't know if this will work for you. My son is grown and on his own.