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Did I imagine a thread

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  • Big A
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    I'd calculate the g forces going 150-0 in a little over a second, but I'm too lazy.
    4-5 g's if it were smooth deceleration, no more than a fighter landing on an aircract carrier, but that doesn't account for multiple abrupt tree smacks.

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  • Nash B.
    -220 feet per second (150 mph) per second acceleration is just under 7 Gs. 150 to 0 mph in 1.5 seconds (linearly) is about 4.5 Gs.

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  • racrguy
    Thank the fuck Christ I didn't have to break it off in that holier than thou born again Christian's ass. And in strolls Dave for the winning boosh on derpstang.

    I'd calculate the g forces going 150-0 in a little over a second, but I'm too lazy.

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  • Big A
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    You were putting it away when me and Danny swung through!
    Funny how I had myself convinced that everybody else was oblivious. I thank God, Allah, Buddha, sheer luck, or whatever you wanna call it that I have a very understanding boss that is genuinely concerned about me, and not just a "manager."

    Anyway, I only put that out there to say that I of all people know that good people make dumb decisions that are potentially fatal. Calling a spade a spade isn't a "witch hunt," it's truth that can be learned from. A pat on the head along with "it's okay" doesn't do anyone a damn bit of good.

    Originally posted by crapstang View Post
    He didn't smack a tree at 150. He traveled a 200-300 feet before stopping...First came off road, then a couple small saplings, then some tee posts, then a decent sized cedar, then 2 more cedars finishing him off, and flipping his car from the looks of it.
    This still makes no sense at all. 150mph is 220 feet per second, so the car decelerated from 150mph to a stop in a second and a half, through trees, and the passenger walked away? I don't think you're getting accurate information.

    Originally posted by crapstang View Post
    I don't want to get into whether it was an "accident" or "dumbass mistake", either...he's just a good guy that I know that I'm glad to know is alive.
    Sometimes they are one in the same, and it doesn't make him any less of a good guy, but it is what it is.

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  • idrivea4banger
    Originally posted by crapstang View Post
    That's what I heard. I am nowhere near Plano and am getting my info via 3rd party now. I'm not sure how medical procedures work, so if you are more knowledgeable on this subject, I'm all ears.

    He didn't smack a tree at 150. He traveled a 200-300 feet before stopping...First came off road, then a couple small saplings, then some tee posts, then a decent sized cedar, then 2 more cedars finishing him off, and flipping his car from the looks of it.

    I don't know every detail of the wreck, and I'm not trying to say every thing is concrete fact. The staties told his family that it was that speed, and from the amount of damage done, I'd say it's a pretty good guess. The only medical stuff I know is that he woke up yesterday evening, after a careflight ride to the hospital.
    I don't want to get into whether it was an "accident" or "dumbass mistake", either...he's just a good guy that I know that I'm glad to know is alive.

    R.I.P. to those defenseless saplings....those last 2 cedars did the right thing.

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  • Mark Preus
    Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
    The one in your avatar? Are you alright? And, not to sound shitty, got any pics of the carnage?
    Yes the one in my avatar. I just got a little bruised up. I got tons of pics but I'm not around a computer right now and I don't know how to post them from my phone

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  • 71chevellejohn
    Originally posted by Mark Preus View Post
    I wrecked my Porsche on thanksgiving and it rolled a few times. I was doing about 70 mph. I was real lucky to be alive so I'm calling bullshit on them doing 150.
    The one in your avatar? Are you alright? And, not to sound shitty, got any pics of the carnage?

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  • Unicorn Jeff
    Plus who the fuck does 150+ on back roads? If this seriously happened then they need to thank god they're alive and no do anymore stupid shit like that.

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  • Mark Preus
    I wrecked my Porsche on thanksgiving and it rolled a few times. I was doing about 70 mph. I was real lucky to be alive so I'm calling bullshit on them doing 150.

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  • crapstang
    Originally posted by Mike View Post
    Any pictures of the car?
    Not yet. I'll try and upload a few of the pics I got of the damage it caused to the trees and whatnot. Once the snow clears I'll take some pics of the police markings of where the car initially went off of the road, etc

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  • Cannon88

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  • Binky
    What a fucking idiot. Posting up a sob story on xmas eve, trying to wring out any sob story karma out of a lie. Thats just low.

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  • Rick Modena
    Originally posted by Mike View Post
    Can a Mod bring the original thread back long enough for me to quote some of the

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  • Mike
    Any pictures of the car?

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  • Binky

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