Originally posted by FreightTrain
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got fired a week before Christmas
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostEver thought about public service? I.E. police fire EMS? Very stable jobs and always something new. We don't get paid for crap u fortunately. Most places start 45-50k. Jus a thought Philly boy!
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostEver thought about public service? I.E. police fire EMS? Very stable jobs and always something new. We don't get paid for crap u fortunately. Most places start 45-50k. Jus a thought Philly boy!
sorry to hear about your situation man.. I was laid off in June due to a the company of 12 years selling my division... luckily I'm going back to work for them in a different division starting Jan 7th
best of luck to you
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostOh... I'm sorry.just kidding. FD is the way to go! 24 hours to work out, play Xbox, and eat!
Originally posted by talisman View PostShit Phil. Sorry to hear that. If you want a low paying job selling auto parts LMK.Good luck man.
Originally posted by 2165 Turbo Rail View Posthow much schooling are they requiring these days? I wanted to be in LE when I was in HS and took a couple classes and at the end of those classes you took some "test" to be a jailer and I passes it but didn't want to be a jailer I wanted to be on the street so I went a different direction
sorry to hear about your situation man.. I was laid off in June due to a the company of 12 years selling my division... luckily I'm going back to work for them in a different division starting Jan 7th
best of luck to you
Damn man, what a shitty move by them. Good luck and keep your head up man.Originally posted by talismanI wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?Originally posted by AdamLXIf there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.Originally posted by BroncojohnnyBecause fuck you, that's whyOriginally posted by 80coupenice dick, Idrivea4bangerOriginally posted by Rick Modena......and idrivea4banger is a real person.Originally posted by JesterMan ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.