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CCW DID confront Oregon shooter!

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  • CCW DID confront Oregon shooter!

    On Tuesday night 22-year-old Nick Meli went to the Clackamas Town Center mall with his friend Casey and their friend Ashley's baby boy***. They were walking through the mall when a masked man, now known to be Jacob Tyler Roberts, opened fire.

    Nick's reaction? "I heard three shots and turned and looked at Casey and said, 'are you serious?'". Nick told Casey to get down with the baby and positioned himself behind a pillar in the mall. Oh yeah, Nick is a licensed concealed carrier in Oregon.

    When Nick looked around the pillar he drew his concealed handgun. When the shooting suddenly stopped, what we now know was Roberts weapon jamming Nick saw him trying to clear the malfunction, "He was working on his rifle, he kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side", Nick told reporters.

    Roberts and Nick clearly saw each other and as Nick lined up the shot, he knew there was a problem, "As I was going down to pull I saw someone in the back of the (shooter) move and I knew if I fired and missed I could hit them".

    Unable to safely take the shot without risking innocents (Colonel Jeff Cooper's Firearms Rule #4 for those counting), Nick took cover inside a store. He stands by his choice not to pull the trigger, saying "I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him, I know after he saw me I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself".

    That's right... even though Nick never fired a shot, Roberts knew that he was no longer the only armed man in the mall. Roberts retreated into the stairwell, cleared his weapons malfunction and committed suicide rather than continue attacking and killing any more innocent civilians.

    There is a famous saying that the only thing that can stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun. On Tuesday night, Nick Meli was that good man with a gun. Even without the shot being fired, he managed to change Jacob Roberts plan and help to save lives.

    Let me just say thank you Nick.

    Another news link:
    Last edited by GhostTX; 12-15-2012, 09:55 PM.
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

  • #2
    I don't know if I believe it.

    I didn't watch the vid though.


    • #3
      Whether it is completely true or not, who knows... At least it is a news story that sheds a positive light on a responsible CHL holder.


      • #4
        If the shooters god damn weapon is malfunctioning, charge him and hit his ass hard as you fucking can. Yeah ok, I had a bead on him and didn't pull off a round. Sooo you reckognize his shit is fucked up and don't use any other means to take him out?
        Whos your Daddy?


        • #5
          Originally posted by jakesford View Post
          Whether it is completely true or not, who knows... At least it is a news story that sheds a positive light on a responsible CHL holder.
          ^good point. A lot of people think of CHL holders as reckless rednecks who want to kill people and get away with it...

          Originally posted by kingjason View Post
          If the shooters god damn weapon is malfunctioning, charge him and hit his ass hard as you fucking can.
          Lol, it'd take some serious balls to do that. Some people could, others can't handle the pressure and risk.
          Originally posted by Buzzo
          Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



          • #6
            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
            If the shooters god damn weapon is malfunctioning, charge him and hit his ass hard as you fucking can. Yeah ok, I had a bead on him and didn't pull off a round. Sooo you reckognize his shit is fucked up and don't use any other means to take him out?
            That is the main reason I think he is full of shit. Close distance and kill.


            • #7
              If you are already out of the holster, his weapon is down, he has seen you, you need to move to reaquire a better angle. Repeat the move until he is dead, dead, dead.

              Otherwise stay in the holster and move out.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                The dude is a fag


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BradM View Post
                  That is the main reason I think he is full of shit. Close distance and kill.
                  Exactly. Turn the corner, close distance, if there is any more strange movement by the suspect(guy with the fucking gun in his hand) you fire.

                  It almost sounds too perfect though. The gunman is still relatively unthreatened.
                  "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                  • #10
                    Oregon doesn't require you to put rounds down range for a chl. ill know more in a few weeks but I've heard its super easy. I wonder if that dude even knew how to shoot.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                      If the shooters god damn weapon is malfunctioning, charge him and hit his ass hard as you fucking can. Yeah ok, I had a bead on him and didn't pull off a round. Sooo you reckognize his shit is fucked up and don't use any other means to take him out?
                      Id agree, if im in an open area and some one starts opening fire. Shooters has a malfucnion and I had a glock .40 I'd throw a few rounds down range and see what happens


                      • #12
                        Lol you mall ninjas are funny.
                        Last edited by petyweestraw; 12-16-2012, 09:28 AM.
                        Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


                        • #13
                          Let's see.... I have a gun, I witness a crazed gunman downing innocent people, I witness his weapon jam.

                          What do I do?

                          Seek cover, that's the best answer!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by crapstang View Post
                            ^good point. A lot of people think of CHL holders as reckless rednecks who want to kill people and get away with it...

                            Lol, it'd take some serious balls to do that. Some people could, others can't handle the pressure and risk.
                            We are allowed to use deadly force at 21 feet when confronting someone with a knife.

                            One lucky day, the tones went off for a domestic violence in progress call. Someone got cut, lots of screaming, and around seven people in the house. As luck would have it that day I was directly in front of the house when the call came out. I jumped out of the car and ran in the open front door. There was blood spatter everywhere. A big ass man in the center of the hall was bleeding pretty good and his wife was screaming that the other involved party was outside in the back with a knife. So I start around the corner of the house and there they came in force. Three young girls, the oldest appeared to be mid teen and the rest way younger. The oldest was in front with about a 12 inch butcher knife in her hand, and she had that broken zoned out look. I knew she was going inside to kill that guy. As I raised my weapon and told her to drop it, she just kept coming, and I heard dispatch say something to the affect that a female may have been the victim of the first assault. I also noticed in that split second that this girl was bleeding around her eyes, nose and mouth. So I threw my shit back in my holster and just took that shit away from her. Turns out daddy had thrown her on the bed, jumped on top of her while she was face down, then pulled her head up with her hair, and punched her in the face multiple times. Guy was about 605/285, she was 14 yo and 411/130. His wounds came from him missing one of his swings and punching a mirror.

                            I get the not wanting to shoot when there are multiple targets, but fucking do something. I realize I get paid to do this shit but even before I became a cop I would have smoked that mother fucker in the mall. The guys on flight 93 are heros, the guy in this article, not so much.
                            Whos your Daddy?


                            • #15
                              Bunch of bad mother fuckers in this thread. You all need wallets. Good armchair post.

