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School shooting this morning

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  • Originally posted by mikec View Post
    Fox is saying that they are now thinking this phsyco offed himself because he was scared he was about to be committed.

    HMMMM, think the media in general will discuss this at all? I don't.
    Manchurian Candidate


    • Originally posted by Denny View Post
      Manchurian Candidate
      I know it will make me sound like a loon, but I have had this notion for a large number of these types of killings.

      MKUltra was continued in Canada after being "publicly disbanded" in America.


      • Had to listen to CNN, HL and CNBC and saw nothing but whiny fucks talking about gun control. Not really a Fox News advocate either, but at least they had proclaimed specialists and doctors being interviewed about mental illness and asperger syndrome.


        • Originally posted by Denny View Post
          Manchurian Candidate
          While the timing is ab-so-fucking-lutely perfect, I don't buy it. The mom was a prepper, which in and of itself speaks of a distrust (valid!) of our government. Not sure how they would have had access.

          Unless the prepper part is a smokescreen and she willingly sacrificed her MR son?

          Unless he was brainwashed via online talk with people he was playing black ops and call of duty with!!!!

          And Aspergers had jack squat to do with this. The wife states that this does not manifest itself in this manner, and she would know.


          • Originally posted by mikec View Post
            While the timing is ab-so-fucking-lutely perfect, I don't buy it. The mom was a prepper, which in and of itself speaks of a distrust (valid!) of our government. Not sure how they would have had access.

            Unless the prepper part is a smokescreen and she willingly sacrificed her MR son?

            Unless he was brainwashed via online talk with people he was playing black ops and call of duty with!!!!

            And Aspergers had jack squat to do with this. The wife states that this does not manifest itself in this manner, and she would know.
            Hypnosis is a bitch. What better way to make preppers look like loons?


            • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
              Had to listen to CNN, HL and CNBC and saw nothing but whiny fucks talking about gun control. Not really a Fox News advocate either, but at least they had proclaimed specialists and doctors being interviewed about mental illness and asperger syndrome.
              Current headlines:
              Fox: GUNMAN MOTIVE?: 'He Thought She Just Wanted to Send Him Away'
              CNN: Firefighters haunted by parents' faces & Sandy Hook students won't return to class until January
              MSNBC: After shooting, teachers fear for students
              ABC News: Newtown Settles In for Prayerful, Somber Christmas
              CBS News: Panel: Systematic failures at State Dept. over Benghazi
              "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


              • Originally posted by Downs View Post
                I'd rather be shot with a pistol than stabbed with a knife.


                • Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                  You know why I haven't posted which I would prefer..... Because I e never experienced either. Just saying
                  1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

                  1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


                  • It infuriates me that the reports are saying that the guns used were an "assault rifle" and "heavy-duty weapons" when the Bushmaster was left in the car and the handguns were 9mm.


                    • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      It infuriates me that the reports are saying that the guns used were an "assault rifle" and "heavy-duty weapons" when the Bushmaster was left in the car and the handguns were 9mm.
                      It doesn't matter what happened. Assault rifles are the target and the government is going to get them. The facts are irrelevant.
                      "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                      "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                      • Anyone else see this article?

                        Friends, there is a gift that God has given me: I can smell something fishy a mile away. Like Benghazi. Almost on day one, I told my husband: “The facts don’t make sense. Something is wrong here.” Last night, after I saw a talking head interview (or, I should say, NOT interview) the father of the boy who saw his teacher get shot and ran for his life with a couple of friends, I told my husband, “Something is not right here. She didn’t ask a single relevant question. So far, this boy is the only eye-witness of the gunman coming forward. She didn’t ask if the boy saw one or more shooters. She didn’t ask any details of what the gunman did first, second, third. She didn’t ask for a description of the gunman. These reporters are complete prostitutes. They could care less about the feelings of the people they interview. So why didn’t she ask any of these questions?” In fact, I could tell she was biting back questions. I looked at my husband and said, “Cal, this thing is starting to stink. By now, there should be many eye-witness accounts of the actual gunman. There should be breathless survivors talking about how this guy walked by their room, etc. About how they narrowly escaped. But so far, it looks like every single eye-witness is dead. That is IMPOSSIBLE!”

                        I watched the situation LIVE. There were original reports of a second man who was found in the woods that they had put in custody. This man was NEVER spoken of again. Why? The details of the shooting changed enormously from one minute to the next. Inside sources at the police departments were reporting one thing while the official accounts said completely different information. The news reports were full of such ambiguous NON statements that I was furiously looking throughout the internet to find solid evidence or eye-witness accounts to clarify. None was to be found. One example: They originally said that the shooter was buzzed in via the front office’s new video security system. Then, the news report said, “The shooter was NOT voluntarily buzzed into the school.” What the heck does THAT mean? Does that mean he forced his way through the system? Does that mean they have video evidence of his face? Does that mean that there was someone on the inside putting a gun to someone’s head to buzz the shooter in? Huh?

                        Also, it seems highly unlikely, based on descriptions of Adam, that he could have purchased all that black ops gear! The guy is described as being so shy that he would hug the school walls when someone approached him! Also, first the news definitely says the mother was a teacher and the classroom of dead kids was her class. Then, reports are that she had nothing to do with the school. So, why the shooting there? Also, the number and kind of weapons used changed. Also, where they discovered the weapons. Sometimes they reported that all the weapons were in the school. Then they said the rifle was in the car. But they also said that the shooter used the rifle to kill every single person with multiple shots.

                        No, something stinks here. The lack of eye witnesses of the shooter confirming the single shooter account is BLARINGLY absent. The reports of a second shooter in the woods has suddenly disappeared. The reporters are not grilling the one and only witness we know of- this little boy. Please don’t say they suddenly have even a smidge of conscience. The original statements about the shooter being buzzed into the school have simply disappeared. I was ready to let this go and explain it away as simple confusion. I was maddened by the timing and circumstances of the tragedy as concerns the upcoming UN small arms treaty & gun control. It killed me that this wack-job used LEGALLY REGISTERED weapons to do his killing. There is NO OTHER CONCLUSION, if the story is accurate, than the fact that had Adam Lanza NOT had access to those legal guns, he could never have killed those kids. He was too mentally ill to have gotten those weapons himself. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and we now know that he had many, many interventions by school officials in the past. I felt that the killing of little children would be the strongest argument yet that we should clamp down on gun ownership. I just couldn’t believe the TIMING and circumstances of this event- a GIFT to the Progressives to disarm us. Who can argue with this case? I was ready for the inevitable.

                        But a friend sent me the following links which tell a different story. Having reported the event LIVE and experienced the changing information, I am not surprised. In fact, it makes sense now.

                        Friends. I believe there is evidence of more than one shooter. I believe this was a PLANNED event- specifically to get the UN Small Arms Treaty signed. The father of the shooter is Peter Lanza, rumored to be scheduled to testify on the international LIBOR scandal. Guess who else is rumored to be scheduled to testify on the LIBOR scandal? Father of the BATMAN theater shooter. Amazing coincidence? We will see. The LIBOR scandal is a massive, worldwide network of banks, the Federal Reserve and highly position individuals such as Tim Geihtner and Ben Bernanke that are being accused of manipulating LIBOR rates to gain better market positions. Just some of the Banks involved are: the Canadian branches of the Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Bank, and Citibank, as well as ICAP (Intercapital), an interdealer broker.[37 It also mentions Bank of America & Barclays. It is ugly to its roots and VERY powerful people are involved.

                        I believe our GOVERNMENT shot those kids and teachers and used Adam Lanza and his family to pull it off. They might have killed two birds with one stone. One: If these men are involved in the LIBOR scandal, they can manipulate their testimony. Two: they get gun control. How very, very clever and efficient of them, right? I hate to say it. I hate to put myself ‘out there’ with this because I KNOW how I will be attacked. But I don’t do this for anyone’s approval. I do it to help the American People. You look at these links and you decide.

                        UBS AG is to pay as much as $1.6 billion to settle investigations of interest rate manipulation with the Justice Department, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the U.K. Financial Services Authority and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, said a person familiar with the matter.

                        More details have emerged today about the glittering career of James Holmes' father Robert, who has degrees from Stanford, UCLA and Berkeley and currently works as a senior scientist at FICO in San Diego.

                        The young man who is in custody after allegedly gunning down 12 people in a mass shooting spree overnight in Aurora, Colorado has been identified as local resident James Holmes, according to local authorities.

                        James Holmes' father just landed at the Denver International Airport, presumably to see his son who is in custody for the slaughter at the "Dark Knight" premiere.

                        Originally posted by Jester
                        Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                        He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                        Originally posted by Denny
                        What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                        FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                        • there's always a conspiracy in some peoples minds... blows me away
                          1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

                          1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


                          • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            It infuriates me that the reports are saying that the guns used were an "assault rifle" and "heavy-duty weapons" when the Bushmaster was left in the car and the handguns were 9mm.
                            The liberals don't want to hear the truth, they just want to hear what suits their agenda, as usual.


                            • I find it very convenient this mysterious Bushmaster went from not being there, to being in the trunk, to being at the scene but not used, to being the primary weapon. That's very convenient for an assault weapons ban.
                              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                              • maybe i'm just stuck in my own little word but I can't imagine someone would murder 20 kids and 6 adults to get assault weapons banned.

                                I think the rifle thing was just like the rest of the news.... a little bit of information that gets tossed around by the news before anything was confirmed
                                1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

                                1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap

