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People who don't have kids

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SEB View Post
    Battle of the brains
    Thread needs more kowbell, or maybe more Kimura


    • #47
      I'm always happy to see cool people in my life announce that they are expecting a child. Cool parent/s = cool kid/s. On the other hand, I cringe when I hear some silly bitches announce the same. Even more so, when the news is coming from a single mom.


      • #48
        That's the worst. Especially when these young, dumb teenagers post about how they're "going to be a mommy."
        Last edited by Treasure Chest; 12-13-2012, 06:04 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
          I hate other people's kids, too. Whiney snot nosed little fucking brats. Either I'm the biggest hardassed father this planet has ever seen (not likely), or most other parents suck at parenting.
          Exactly... I feel the same damn way.
          Originally posted by stevo
          Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



          • #50
            I have never for one minute thought my life would be better with out my little girl. Kids are awesome. One of my favorite quotes about children comes from the TV show scrubs, "it's like having a dog that slowly learns how to talk". But really, it doesn't get cooler than this.


            • #51
              My Grandma and various family members always ask me why I don't have kids, not married, etc. I tell them I have no desire for any of that shit. I can't put-up with one woman for more than a year or so, and I'm waaaaaaaay too selfish to have kids and have to put-up with the mother for 18+ years! All of my family members that are married/have kids(including my parents) are knee-deep in debt, have very little if any net-worth, bitches constantly about being married/having kids and/or has been divorced one or two times. Hell my uncle lives with my grandmother right now thanks to 3 kids and two divorces. Him and my Dad both told me their lives would be much better and different if they never got married/had kids. Of course I guess that would have meant no RyanB/MattB I guess I just love my life the way it is way too much.

              My roommate bought a Gallardo a few months ago. My Mom asked me "How the hell does he afford that??" Me: "Because he's single with no kids!" I was at a bar a month or two ago with another single buddy of mine, we had a few beers then said "fuck-it, we could be in Vegas tonight drinking if we want to..." We hopped a plane and were in Vegas that night. Think I can do any of that shit with a kid or a wife? Like I said, I guess I'm too selfish!


              • #52
                Originally posted by 4bangen View Post
                I have never for one minute thought my life would be better with out my little girl. Kids are awesome. One of my favorite quotes about children comes from the TV show scrubs, "it's like having a dog that slowly learns how to talk". But really, it doesn't get cooler than this.
                Nothing more fun than hello kitty and a shotgun.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                  most other parents suck at parenting.
                  95% of the kids that live in my area are ignorant and lazy as f@ck. "Fuck you mom, I'm gonna sit in your house and smoke weed....go buy some cigs and give me some money please though!!"

                  The other 5% are self motivated and are well off by themselves. Kids will thank you a ton for kicking their asses for being idiots while they are not a lost cause.
                  Originally posted by Buzzo
                  Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                  • #54
                    I never really wanted kids for all the above reasons. But I wouldnt trade my girls for anything in the world. Being a dad is the best thing I have ever expierenced. Those of u without kids will understand if u ever have any.


                    • #55
                      Aww... Look at The King trying to pretend research is the work of the unintelligent so he can rationalize never doing so...


                      • #56
                        I am glad that my wife and I waited as long as we did in both our lifes and our relationship. I am 35 and she is 32 and we just had our first; thinking our last and only too, maybe. We are both finacially stable and in a great position to where our daughter shouldn't go without anything that she needs and will almost always have what she wants.

                        Up until now we have both been content with our lifes. We took a lot of badass vacations and our only worries were the dogs and what to do with them while we were gone.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #57
                          thats why i don't like facebook! too many stupid post about their kids or i love my wife/husband post


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by talisman View Post
                            Usually when I hear those words it is followed with all the things someone wanted to do with their life but didn't.
                            The "but" is usually refering to something of a higher calling.

                            I was gonna finish High School, but...
                            I wouldn't change that for the world. My kids are far better treasures than any plans in life I ever had.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by JGmonster View Post
                              Aww... Look at The King trying to pretend research is the work of the unintelligent so he can rationalize never doing so...
                              LOL at anyone who finds themselves so e-insecure or so lacking a basic education that they need to conduct research prior to posting in a thread such as this in a "Back Porch" Forum. Are you perhaps somewhat retarded?


                              • #60
                                Jr is without question the greatest thing to ever happen to me. he has single-handedly made me a better man.

                                god bless.
                                It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

