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loud commercial volumes?

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  • loud commercial volumes?

    Don't you hate it when the commercials come on after your show and they are loud as shit, and you have to turn your volume down? Then the show comes back on and you have to turn it up? Never ending BS. Well, it appears the FCC is going to block that from happening.

    TV commercials to get quieter starting Thursday
    By Ben Popken, TODAY contributor

    TV fans, you're about to get a break from your commercial break.

    Shouting TV ads are soon to become a thing of the past as a new law goes into effect Thursday at midnight mandating that the volume of commercials has to be within a range of 2 decibels (db) more or less than the programming around them.

    Joe Addalia, director of technology projects for Hearst Television, was in charge of figuring out the right technology to make 31 transmitters compliant with the new regulations. He told TODAY that 2 db was "the difference between viewers reaching for the remote and not." TV stations want to encourage watchers to leave the remote alone, he said, "because right next to the volume button is the channel button."

    Commercials are often so loud because the only real limit on programming volumes is the one set by stations so that the sound levels don't damage their equipment. That level, however, represents a peak sound meant to accommodate for when something like a gunshot or explosion goes off during a show. Advertising content creators routinely crank the sound of their ads to just shy of that peak level, so the entire commercial is playing at the equivalent of a 30-second bomb blast.

    Joel Kelsey, legislative director for the media advocacy group Free Press, previously testified in Congress about the need for volume regulation on commercials. Since nearly the beginning of television itself, loud commercials "have consistently been one of the issues consumers are most energized to write the FCC about. They don't like being screamed at every time the program breaks to buy deodorant," Kelsey told TODAY.

    However, it took an act of Congress, the "Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act," or CALM Act, to prod the FCC into the necessary action. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate.

    While station operators across the country have been busy implementing new volume-limiting controls, many viewers already have technology in their TV sets to dampen the auditory enthusiasm of "Crazy Carl's Car Shack" and "Head-On, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD!"

    In a TV set's audio control settings, there may be a selection for "Automatic Volume control" or "Auto Volume" that once selected automatically smooths out the peaks and valleys in the volume. If you don't have the feature built in, you can purchase an external device such as this Audiovox Terk VR1 Automatic TV Volume Controller, found on Amazon for $21.99.

    It's worth mentioning what tools consumers have at their hands, besides the mute button, because with so many moving pieces involved, you can be sure that some loud ads will get through. The FCC encourages viewers to report any rogue ads to 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-225-5322).

    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

  • #2
    1st world problems man


    • #3
      nice. i fucking hate that they make the commercials so loud


      • #4
        That's a bunch of crap. TV stations all have to follow the same procedures whenever airing any outgoing source. Audio is adjusted to zero dB. That is a standard for any broadcast station. Always has been. It's not that the volume is any louder, it is the way the commercial is mixed when produced. It seems louder because there's a bunch of obnoxious shit going on and when edited and full advantage of the audio spectrum is taken. Visual effects also play a big part in thinking audio is louder, and it doesn't help if a viewer is watching a show where people are talking/acting normally and then jumps into a commercial that has the possibility of giving someone an epileptic seizure.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
          That's a bunch of crap. TV stations all have to follow the same procedures whenever airing any outgoing source. Audio is adjusted to zero dB. That is a standard for any broadcast station. Always has been. It's not that the volume is any louder, it is the way the commercial is mixed when produced. It seems louder because there's a bunch of obnoxious shit going on and when edited and full advantage of the audio spectrum is taken. Visual effects also play a big part in thinking audio is louder, and it doesn't help if a viewer is watching a show where people are talking/acting normally and then jumps into a commercial that has the possibility of giving someone an epileptic seizure.
          You can't seriously be arguing that this volume disparity doesn't actually exist?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jimbo View Post
            You can't seriously be arguing that this volume disparity doesn't actually exist?
            He totally is.

            " It seems louder when a lot is going on" lol
            2012 GT500


            • #7
              people hate it when i have the remote cause i always hit mute during commercials


              • #8
                Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                people hate it when i have the remote cause i always hit mute during commercials
                This I let shows I want to watch run for 10-15 minutes or so on DVR before I watch them so I can skip commercials. The volume jumps up on ABC more then most for me for some reason.


                • #9
                  So, instead of ousting illegals, arresting those in charge of F&F and Bengazi, we have this.
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    I remember hearing / reading about this push a year or more ago.. What a seemingly nonsensical thing for legislators and government entities to be concerned with...

                    Granted, it is annoying, but really?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      So, instead of ousting illegals, arresting those in charge of F&F and Bengazi, we have this.
                      In its defense it was passed more then a year ago to give them time to comply. Just like anything make the masses happy and content instead of wondering about things that make sense.

                      I am still a fan though. After ship time I can't sleep if it is too quiet. No noise for me is no sleep. I have the tv on low but enough to hear what is going on. Next thing I know some infomercial wakes me up.

                      Now we can set a volume and not have to chase it no matter what is on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Couver View Post
                        After ship time I can't sleep if it is too quiet. No noise for me is no sleep.
                        I have to have a fan going to be able to sleep soundly. Not a ceiling fan, or an otherwise quiet one, granted, I want the hum that drowns out other stuff. Background noise is the best.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chili View Post
                          I have to have a fan going to be able to sleep soundly. Not a ceiling fan, or an otherwise quiet one, granted, I want the hum that drowns out other stuff. Background noise is the best.
                          Yep yep and any noise outside that still will wake me up. I am still the one that hears the dog needing out in the middle of the night or something out of the norm. My hearing is wrecked from years of jet engines with various frequencies.

                          Yet the important things still get through the "filter"


                          • #14
                            I keep a fan and TV on. It's NEVER quiet here in my house. If it is, I can hear the voices and it's just disturbing
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              It's about time. Dial Norm helped mitigate a lot of the problems related to this when playing through the AVR.

