Terribly sorry for your loss It sounds like her passing gave mercy / peace to her troubled soul over this character though.
Give him HELL skippy!!!!
Thanks, sweetness.
She passed in her sleep with plenty of morphine to dull all the pain she was enduring towards the end. It was very comforting to know that he was unable to get to her in her final days, which afforded her the ability to finally sleep. She had been without sleep for a few weeks.
That POS had to beg my dad for gas money to come see her after death. He was supposed to get straight to the hospice facility after getting gas. An hour later he shows up, looks at her for a couple seconds, and bolts. He was calling ten minutes later for more money.
What I got to do today merely removed the anxiety I had built up over the years. It is now time to make him feel all those years of pain.
Did this mother fucker come in asking you for money today?
He came to the shop today to ask my dad for money. I jumped his shit so hard that it startled my dad. This prompted my dad to grab his coat and step outside just in case I got the urge to drop him. He wanted to be able to truthfully say he saw nothing.
I love that man. He's a hard ass extraordinaire, and raised me right.
One time my uncle pawned off his daughter's Christmas presents in order to get some dope.
He also use to trade his cars off for crack and report them stolen a day later. He hasn't had a job in over 25 years, so these cars were bought by my Grandmother.
The last job he had was one that my Grandfather had started in order for his sons to have something to provide for their own families. He got fired for stealing money, as well as selling equipment and keeping the cash. This same business is the one in which I just got to throw him out of.
There are many, many more of his "cracktales", but I now have to regain my composure and help some customers. However, it sure would be nice for him to show back up right about now....
I got a good friend that has a brother like that. He is hooked on the shit and does not give a shit about anything. Steals from his own mother and takes the ship to pawn shops. He even threatened her till she gave him money.
Robert-so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she truly was a sweet woman who just couldn't say no. I bet when you got the opportunity, it was golden. Get 'em!
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99
Lmao...my favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
My aunt is this way. She leeched off of my mother pretty much my whole life (27-28 years) If she wasn't living with a crackhead she was living with my mom. Every time one of her crack head relationships wouldn't work out, my mother would save her. She has supported her her whole life. About a year ago, she was hospitalized due to COPD/Emphysema. She made my mothers life a living hell. Tell her she was a shitty sister, my mom paid for all of her medications, and at this point were $500+ every month. My mom did with out so that her sister could have her meds. Any time the money ran short, she would treat my mom like absolute shit. I told my mother, the best thing she could do for everyone involved, the whole family, was to let her die in that hospital bed. None the less, she stayed, supported her, and helped her get well enough to get out of the hospital. Only to go back to the same thing. Since, my mom moved to Kansas, and her sister has become the burden of me and my oldest brother, as well as my friends and girlfriend. She has hit all of us up for money. She talked her youngest son, who had a kidney transplant not long ago, into coming and taking care of her. He couldn't hold a job, they got evicted and have bounced from hotel to hotel trying to live off of her disability check. Thank god she is moving to Arkansas this week.
My little brother isn't quite as bad, but the only time I ever hear from him is when he needs something, money, help, advice, never to say hello, how are you. I was finally able, for the first time in countless years, that I was able to buy presents for my nieces and nephews, all 9 of them (my older brother's 6, and my younger brother's 3). When I asked what to get them. Him and his wife, laid this story on me, how they couldn't afford christmas for their kids for whatever reason. So I spent more on them than the 6 I would actually get to see open gifts, that way these 3 kids, who I've only seen collectively 1 in the last 3 years. 2 days after they received the gifts. He sent me pictures of the new car he just bough....
It really does make you wonder what your grandparents might have done wrong when they were raising our aunts, uncles, and parents.
Can't always blame the parents. My cousin completely lacks and sense of right and wrong, has no concept of responsibility, and would sell either of her kids for the right price. And a 10 minute conversation with her will convince you that it had nothing to do with how she was raised.
She lured a guy (drug dealer) to her apartment while 2 rival drug dealers were there, then locked her son in the bedroom while the 2 guys beat him to death, then rolled him in her carpet and took the body away.
Her brother is a fire fighter, in addition to working 2 side jobs, and being heavily involved in his church that bought a house, paid for his bride's extravagant wedding tastes, and still managed to put 100k down on their 2nd house by the time he was 24.
My crackhead uncle has now stolen a tool box, smoker, and a few other things from his son. My cousin has filed charges on him. It's petty bullshit, maybe $300 worth of stuff. It's a start, though.
Hopefully this will create a paper trail to prove he is a habitual criminal and get him locked up in the future.
Does anyone know the laws on citizen's arrest, and whether or not I can restrain him?
My crackhead uncle has now stolen a tool box, smoker, and a few other things from his son. My cousin has filed charges on him. It's petty bullshit, maybe $300 worth of stuff. It's a start, though.
Hopefully this will create a paper trail to prove he is a habitual criminal and get him locked up in the future.
Does anyone know the laws on citizen's arrest, and whether or not I can restrain him?
I'm pretty sure you can't restrain anyone with cuffs or rope. All you can do is stay within arms reach til the fuzz arrives. That's what makes sense to me anyway. Might not have any truth to it.
Originally posted by Vertnut
I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!