This man reached out in desperation and the community, not the government responded and quickly. THIS is how this country is supposed to work
A father of four took to a Reddit thread meant exclusively for getting things off one’s chest, as a sort of therapy, to tell the heartbreaking story of how he was dreading Christmas, having to look in his children’s eyes that morning with no money to pay his water and power bills, let alone for presents.
“I just wanted to vent, and perhaps cry a little, for the pain I feel for my kids,” the user ProZacDose. “I hate myself that I could of not done better, or I could have a better job with more income. I am supposed to be a father and a provider and I can’t even do that. I am dreading Christmas morning, and wish I can just escape all of this.”
Why would he take to the social news site and forum? He wrote that although he was half tempted to stop writing, but continuing some how “makes this hurt less.”
In an effort to take away some of this hurt, a touched Reddit user offered to pay one of his bills. The user girlinthecity wrote:
I would like to pay for your past due water bill. I am 100% serious. Please PM me to see how we can figure this out. There is no reason your children should have to do without; you are not a failure. So many of us don’t realize how easy it is to get into a tough situation. We’re all practically one paycheck away from it.
Let me help you.
And help she did. According to the post, ProZacDose confirmed that his water bill was paid in full. ProZacDose wrote that he’s been receiving donations of toys and other necessities as well.
The help he’s received has overwhelmed him so much he wrote that he can’t even accept any more.
“I’ve been choking back tears all day,” he wrote.
A father of four took to a Reddit thread meant exclusively for getting things off one’s chest, as a sort of therapy, to tell the heartbreaking story of how he was dreading Christmas, having to look in his children’s eyes that morning with no money to pay his water and power bills, let alone for presents.
“I just wanted to vent, and perhaps cry a little, for the pain I feel for my kids,” the user ProZacDose. “I hate myself that I could of not done better, or I could have a better job with more income. I am supposed to be a father and a provider and I can’t even do that. I am dreading Christmas morning, and wish I can just escape all of this.”
Why would he take to the social news site and forum? He wrote that although he was half tempted to stop writing, but continuing some how “makes this hurt less.”
In an effort to take away some of this hurt, a touched Reddit user offered to pay one of his bills. The user girlinthecity wrote:
I would like to pay for your past due water bill. I am 100% serious. Please PM me to see how we can figure this out. There is no reason your children should have to do without; you are not a failure. So many of us don’t realize how easy it is to get into a tough situation. We’re all practically one paycheck away from it.
Let me help you.
And help she did. According to the post, ProZacDose confirmed that his water bill was paid in full. ProZacDose wrote that he’s been receiving donations of toys and other necessities as well.
The help he’s received has overwhelmed him so much he wrote that he can’t even accept any more.
“I’ve been choking back tears all day,” he wrote.