$170 for a week? 50% of the damn bill is Taxes. Fuck you Arlington Cowboys stadium.
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Why is a rental car so expensive?
Originally posted by abecx View Post$170 for a week? 50% of the damn bill is Taxes. Fuck you Arlington Cowboys stadium.
Edit: I'm with you on the bullshit taxes though. I love it how the city officials claim only out of towners rent cars and hotel rooms so the locals will never be subject to this tax. I guess none of them have ever had a mistress.
Originally posted by MattB View PostRental cars make the best track day vehicles!"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
Perhaps it takes into account no one cares how they drive a rental. Be honest, do you drive a rental the same way you drive your car?
I made a lot of money fixing rentals, well when Enterprise said I could.Some cars and a bike...
Some say... they have been raced, some a lot
$170/wk is cheap
would you lend a stranger your car for $170/wk?