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Traxxas slash RC trucks

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  • Traxxas slash RC trucks

    Just picked up a slash 2wd and this thin is fun. suprized how fast it is in stock trim. Anyone else play with them ??

  • #2
    Have a Revo 3.3. It's almost undriveable it's so fast. Had no idea it had a two speed transmission until I heard it shift. I shit.


    • #3
      I had a T-maxx with the old Pro .15 before they came out with the 3.3. then i got a first gen revo and modified the chassis to support the Picco .27 i put in it and when traxxas released the 3.3 with the extended chassis i picked up the chassis supporting hardware, transferred it into the first gen revo and did a forward only conversion, ran 40 series proline wheels and tires, i believe the tires were called mulchers. on pavement it'd still pick the front end up in second gear, in the garage on the smooth cement i could hold onto the rear bumper and actually leave rubber marks from spinning the tires
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I had a TMaxx and HPI savage back years ago and the nitro was a pain so I have some friends getting these electric and thought I would give it a try and they are far better than they used to be. I was impressed with how well it does out of the box


        • #5
          I have a slash, emaxx, rustler and sc10.


          • #6
            I have the slash vlx 4x4, vxl rustler, STAMPEDE 4X4 VXL, very fun


            • #7
              I went brushless and LiPo on my Slash, with and upgraded speed controller and radio. I don't have a radar gun, but it's said to do over 60mph. Had it out on the beach this summer with some paddle tires out back, and tossed up some nasty sand rooster tails.

              Not quite the little yellow Nikko truck I got from Toys-R-Us back in the day.


              • #8
                I have a slash 4x4 VXL and a RC10SC 2wheel. Love them, I have videos of us racing them. Looking to get the Traxxas rally car soon, looks pretty neat. I think it would run along with the trucks. And if you're looking to upgrade ESC and go LIPO, go to "" and "" I buy batteries from them and they are cheap and some damn good batteries. Just picked up a 1/18th esc brushless combo for my mini t,and some lipo's. It's almost undriveable. lol.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Big A View Post
                  I went brushless and LiPo on my Slash, with and upgraded speed controller and radio. I don't have a radar gun, but it's said to do over 60mph. Had it out on the beach this summer with some paddle tires out back, and tossed up some nasty sand rooster tails.

                  Not quite the little yellow Nikko truck I got from Toys-R-Us back in the day.
                  Haha, the "Scorpion" I think was the truck, I had one also. That was atleast 20 years ago. Shit i'm getting old.


                  • #10
                    I have a slash ultimate and 2wd. Both bruchless and lipo... The 2wd is almost not controllable with a 3s.
                    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                    -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by redrocket5.0 View Post
                      Haha, the "Scorpion" I think was the truck, I had one also. That was atleast 20 years ago. Shit i'm getting old.
                      Not the Scorion, whatever model this one is:

                      But yeah, technology has progressed a bit in that 20+ years. $50 was alot of money to me back then.


                      • #12
                        I'm looking for a decent RC truck for my 3 year old. Just something he can trash in the backyard. Something around $100.. any suggestions?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mike View Post
                          I'm looking for a decent RC truck for my 3 year old. Just something he can trash in the backyard. Something around $100.. any suggestions?
                          I'll detune my slash and sell it to you for $200.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
                            I'll detune my slash and sell it to you for $200.
                            I'll detune my wallet and pay you $100.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mike View Post
                              I'll detune my wallet and pay you $100.

                              I'll leave the Slash as is and straight trade for that yellow car you have.

                              On my way to make trade now.

