Probably because you weren't sober for very many Decembers.
i dont know if that was a cut towards me or not but you are right, i usally do most of my drinking this time of the year, even if not on the roads at home. my bro died new years eve and my grandpa had a stroke and fell and broke his hip last week during thanksgiving. i may have A beer tonite but it will be a lonely one for sure. if i indeed decide to go to seminary i need to work on my perceived outward lifestyle appearance. or maybe ill just go catholic and be a drunk priest lol
i dont know if that was a cut towards me or not but you are right, i usally do most of my drinking this time of the year, even if not on the roads at home. my bro died new years eve and my grandpa had a stroke and fell and broke his hip last week during thanksgiving. i may have A beer tonite but it will be a lonely one for sure. if i indeed decide to go to seminary i need to work on my perceived outward lifestyle appearance. or maybe ill just go catholic and be a drunk priest lol
Glad you're at least trying to get your shit together, Steve. Genuinely.
Glad you're at least trying to get your shit together, Steve. Genuinely.
thanks man, hell ill be in college next semester if things go right. im too old to play the drunken slacker role part, wasnt that great at it anyway obviously or i wouldnt have been so unhappy with myself. this new reformed productive me suits me much better and ive even been able to get some sleep with a clearer conscience.
next step is to follow r1psycho's example and get to the gym and quit making excuses as to why i look 8months preggo, i look like i ate don svo and he's stuck in my belly lol.
One of the things I don't miss about living in Texas. It's already been snowing up here and feels like Christmas.
And Steve, congrats on the sobriety. Good to see someone turn around their life and be positive.
thanks. its been long time a coming. im no example but maybe if someone can see how far down the hole ive been and climbed and and even seen a lil sunshine, well maybe i can give them a hand too someday, believe it or not thats all i want out of life.