"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Everyone who posts here has some degree of racism or more correctly prejudice in them. If they claim they don't, then they are a damn liar. I choose to call as i see it. I consider everyone to be capable of being equal and no better than anyone else. Skin color makes no difference. Its how you act and think that makes you who are. If you want to act like a (fill in the blank), don't get hurt when someone calls you on it. People are discussing whether or not peckerwood, whitey, etc are racist. Who really gives a crap. They're just words. Sticks and stones.... Quit being a puss. What iritates me are the doublestandards that we are expected to adhere to and if we dont then WE are labelled as racist. Great. If i can piss the PC babies off, i am happy.
This thread has so many topics, Im not sure what the original theme was, but I sure am glad to see the activity. We've had a couple of threads lately that I'm actually staying up late to read. Almost seems like the old days....
Everyone who posts here has a degree of racism or more correctly prejudice in them. If they claim they don't, then they are a damn liar. I choose to call as i see it. I consider everyone to be capable of being equal and no better than anyone else. Skin color makes no difference. Its how you act and think that makes you who are. If you want to act like a (fill in the blank), don't get hurt when someone calls you on it. People are discussing whether or not peckerwood, whitey, etc are racist. Who really gives a crap. They're just words. Sticks and stones.... Quit being a puss. What iritates me is the doublestandards that we expected to adhere to and if we dont then WE are labelled as racist. Great. If i can piss the pc babies off, i am happy.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
This thread has so many topics, Im not sure what the original theme was, but I sure am glad to see the activity. We've had a couple of threads lately that I'm actually staying up late to read. Almost seems like the old days....
I'm gonna make a thread about minecraft, you'll never be able to go to sleep.