food for thought...
as of today, there is no cure for cancer so maybe every dollar donated to cancer research has been a waste.
I understand the thought behind his statement but I will say that even though we haven't found the cure for cancer we have found ways to aid in helping cancer patients live longer. My mother passed away from cancer back in 99, only because she was tired of the cancer treatment. Even though she passed from cancer she still had her life extended by 2 years after having a bone marrow & stem cell transplant, something that wouldn't have given her those extra 2 years had it not been done... just more food for thought.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.