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Hector "Macho" Camacho shot
HahahaOriginally posted by talismanI wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?Originally posted by AdamLXIf there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.Originally posted by BroncojohnnyBecause fuck you, that's whyOriginally posted by 80coupenice dick, Idrivea4bangerOriginally posted by Rick Modena......and idrivea4banger is a real person.Originally posted by JesterMan ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.
It's sad that some of ya'll find humour in death.. hell, people make bad decisions all the time and end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hell, half of the posters in this thread would not be posting had some limp dick jackwad not lucked out with the fat nasties left at the bar 20-40 years ago.
RIP Macho Camacho
show some respect you asses, this guy prolly won your old man some money back in the day and contributed to your child supported asses.
#IOUtokenforlunch lookin ass n'gasTHE BAD HOMBRE
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostDeath is life, and life is humorous. Humor is in everything, the secret is finding your boundary and shooting it in the face.
God Bless U../ ____ _ _\.
(]]]_ o _[[[)
God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8
Dude was way more famous then my ass will ever dream of being! Guy deserves props for what he did in his life. RIP Macho Camachho, I will always remember him for his hay days!GOD BLESS TEXAS
August Landscaping
Seb's high class.
He'll mow your grass.
He'll kick your ass.
And while his kidney stones pass,
He'll piss in a glass!
Originally posted by 4.6coupe View PostMay your remarks not come back at you in a mirror one day.
God Bless U.
Here's my thoughts, I'm looking at some older relatives right now that are wasting away. My wife's grandfather is in a wheel chair after a botched back surgery, her grandmother is in rehab after a neck fusion surgery from a botched diagnosis - her husband is in the hospital with renal failure and is literally rotting, my uncle has an incurable form of leukemia that goes away for about 18 months with a bone marrow transfusion, he's recently retired and has 2 more transfusions under insurance, that's it - unless he pays the out of pocket to have it done, so he's looking at 3 years left, my grandmother will be 80 next year, her husband is fading fast and losing his mental acuity and her hope is fading. All of them have been good people, that lived good lives and have been productive members of society, yet they aren't spared from the horrors of this life.
So when some lifelong piece of shit (jail, burglary, child abuse, drug abuse, etc) takes a slug to the face while in the act of the crime, I find it a bit difficult to feel sorry for him. Consequently, I'd rather go out quick like that instead of shitting myself and having an aggressive babushka wipe my ass to the point it is raw and rotting on a shelf because family has moved on.