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  • Cyclists

    I am watching a pretty interesting debate unfold on facebook about Cyclists' rights to share the road.

    Do you think cyclists should have to pay registration fees and have liability insurance like all motorists who use the road?

    Should there be equal penalities when they choose to not follow traffic laws?

    Should tax payer money be used to provide bicycle lanes?


  • #2
    Taxpayers should pay for their EPO, IMO
    Originally posted by PGreenCobra
    I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
    dont downshift!!
    Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
      I am watching a pretty interesting debate unfold on facebook about Cyclists' rights to share the road.

      Do you think cyclists should have to pay registration fees and have liability insurance like all motorists who use the road?

      Should there be equal penalities when they choose to not follow traffic laws?

      Should tax payer money be used to provide bicycle lanes?

      It's a fucking bicycle, all I give a shit about is that they stay out on the shoulder.


      • #4
        Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
        It's a fucking bicycle, all I give a shit about is that they stay out on the shoulder.
        I agree, I do find it annoying when theres just one lone bicyclist taking up a entire lane on a busy street....especially during peak traffic times. If theres a group, Im more understanding.


        • #5
          Wharz Oldguysrule?

          Originally posted by Shaggin Wagon View Post
          I agree, I do find it annoying when theres just one lone bicyclist taking up a entire lane on a busy street....especially during peak traffic times. If theres a group, Im more understanding.
          Have you tried hitting them?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Wharz Oldguysrule?

            Have you tried hitting them?
            I thought about it, but I just painted my car and I dont want to have to do that all over again.


            • #7
              The conversation was started from this picture posted by a person who thinks cyclists should have more rights than the other drivers on the road.



              • #8
                While they do have a right to use the road, maybe they should have to pay for tags, inspection, insurance, and tickets for ignoring driving laws. Sounds good to me. Equal is equal. Also, maybe they should not be in the road during peak traffic times which causes a nightmare when they are just trying to show "cagers" how cool they are.


                • #9
                  Im cool with bikes UNTIL they get on roads with a speed limit greater than 40 MPH. Then them tight short wearing, asshats are a pain in the ass. I live in the country. The road is 60 mph 2 lane black top FM. Packs of these goobers snarl traffic on the weekends. I got stuff to do, I don't need to be hung up waiting on their asses. Every chance I get I nail the diesel as I go by so they can ENJOY my particulate matter. I did scare the hell out of one guy. He stops to take a leak in the bushes on my property...Let's just say he won't do that again...
                  Get a mountain bike and hit the trail.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by EW View Post
                    While they do have a right to use the road, maybe they should have to pay for tags, inspection, insurance, and tickets for ignoring driving laws. Sounds good to me. Equal is equal. Also, maybe they should not be in the road during peak traffic times which causes a nightmare when they are just trying to show "cagers" how cool they are.
                    I agree with this and if they can not and do not maintain the speed limit they should be ticketed for obstructing traffic . If I can't ride a dirt bike on the road because it has no tags or insurance then they should not be permited either .
                    Big Rooster Racing


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dumpycapri85 View Post
                      if i can't ride a dirt bike on the road because it has no tags or insurance then they should not be permited either .
                      i've never thought of this, but very true.........


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dumpycapri85 View Post
                        If I can't ride a dirt bike on the road because it has no tags or insurance then they should not be permited either .
                        If it's got tags, insurance, mirrors, signals, and lights you can... From my understanding, a bicycle doesn't fall under the category of "motor vehicle", which is why it doesn't require insurance, tags, etc. However, a cyclist has to follow the same rules of the road. I got a ticket a few years back cycling with a buddy because we road through a stop sign.
                        Originally posted by Jester
                        Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                        He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                        Originally posted by Denny
                        What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                        FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by motoman View Post
                          If it's got tags, insurance, mirrors, signals, and lights you can... From my understanding, a bicycle doesn't fall under the category of "motor vehicle", which is why it doesn't require insurance, tags, etc. However, a cyclist has to follow the same rules of the road. I got a ticket a few years back cycling with a buddy because we road through a stop sign.
                          I'm gonna go ride a bike thru a bunch of intersections that have red light cameras and run the red lights. They won't know who to mail the ticket too!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
                            It's a fucking bicycle, all I give a shit about is that they stay out on the shoulder.
                            why make more rules? Kids can't even sell fucking lemonade in parts of the metroplex, stuff like that is just plain dumb.
                            Let's make more regulations about riding a damn bicycle.

                            training wheels make the insurance cheaper.
                            Originally posted by Buzzo
                            Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shaggin Wagon View Post
                              I agree, I do find it annoying when theres just one lone bicyclist taking up a entire lane on a busy street....especially during peak traffic times. If theres a group, Im more understanding.
                              I ride both mountain and road bikes. As for the road, I am one who ride in the center of the lane - especially in Plano/Frisco where it's marked that cyclist has use of the full lane. If I hug the curb, then some asshat in a car tries to share my lane with me (which doesnt necessarily bother me - I've gotten used to it) and make an unsafe pass. The cars are supposed to pass safely when the opportunity arises. If I hug the shoulder, they squeeze right past me, inches from me. If I ride in the middle of the lane, that never happens and they get over into the next lane and go around. The only thing I don't try to do is ride a one lane road during high traffic. Most of the folks, I'm courteous to when I'm on the road. But there are definitely a few out there who feel the road belongs to them and take shots at cyclists every chance they get.
                              Rachel McAdams nude pics

