Changing the fuel filter on the coupe, pulled the line off the inlet, gas poured out, I turned my head to protect my eyes and gas filled my ear. It immediately started hurting, felt like someone was shoving a pencil down my ear.. So I ran inside and let water pour into my ear for 15-30 minutes.. Was still incredibly painful. I put some ear drop stuff in my ear and it eased the pain so I could sleep.
3 days later, my hearing is still fuzzy sounding in that ear, and in the mornings it hurts and at night it hurts.
My girlfriend keeps bugging me about going to the doctor, but I feel like it's just healing and I'll be fine..
3 days later, my hearing is still fuzzy sounding in that ear, and in the mornings it hurts and at night it hurts.
My girlfriend keeps bugging me about going to the doctor, but I feel like it's just healing and I'll be fine..