In light of all the carp going on the past two - three weeks with my FIL's passing and worries about our pregnancy, we are finaly through it.
As I was on my home anyways for the emergency R&R my wife went into labor and delivered yesterday (8nov12) at 5:32pm. I was about 2 hours into my flight from Dubai when it happened. I got here this morning around 11:00 and finally got to meet my daughter.
Hailey Rae Barton
6 lbs 2 oz, 19"

I couldn't be more proud of my wife. Lucky for Hailey, she gets her mom's looks....and hair

As I was on my home anyways for the emergency R&R my wife went into labor and delivered yesterday (8nov12) at 5:32pm. I was about 2 hours into my flight from Dubai when it happened. I got here this morning around 11:00 and finally got to meet my daughter.
Hailey Rae Barton
6 lbs 2 oz, 19"

I couldn't be more proud of my wife. Lucky for Hailey, she gets her mom's looks....and hair
