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Farewell America

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  • Originally posted by stevo View Post
    There is no fixing it. No changing it for the better. It is fucked. It is only going to get worse, exponentially. The failures/takers now outnumber the successful/givers. The US is going the way of Rome, and soon will have the same fate. And there isn't a single fucking thing that ANYONE can do about it.

    Our forefathers left Europe to get away from oppressive governments, they didn't stay there and try to fix it like everyone is blabbering about, they were smart enough to know to get the fuck out and go somewhere else and start over. The fucked up thing is now there is NOWHERE to go to start over, all you can do is hope to find a place less fucked up than the one you are leaving.
    So our forefathers just showed up and America was already formed? Sorry but they came here under the same oppressive monarchy that they left. And it grinds my gears that people don't want to fight for something that was so hard to accomplish. Fuck it, the grass is always greener.
    De Oppresso Liber.


    • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Dear Blue states,
      Please let us know how you're going to fund California and the public unions without us.

      Red states
      Well considering that most tax revenue is lost to red states I'd say they would do very well. Red states not only have the largest population of uneducated people but are also a bad ROI.

      Sent from my Galaxy S III


      • Lmfao @ all this. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

        I'd just like to point out, this is the equivalent of taking your ball and going home. A big old pity party. As Craig said, if you're doing it to broaden your experience, experience another culture, etc; that's awesome. But that is not what this is.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • 1-800 MARINES. All the machine guns and bullets you can shoot...


          • Originally posted by Pooter View Post
            Id love to go to Switzerland, but doesn't look like it would be an easy transition, and getting citizenship looks pretty tough too, 12 years, lol.

            Australia really is a cool place too, dont know if id go as far as to renounce my citizenship to go there because I didnt like a new president. There have been plenty of shitty ones for all the great ones. The rest of the country is more in danger due to the youth of today and the all out height of laziness everyone has adopted in EVERYTHING they do.
            Same here, holy fuck at 12 years though, lol.

            And your second paragraph is pretty accurate, everything technologically related being released lately just caters to the lazy side of people. People want everything handed to them. I can't stand dealing with people in retail that just think they can bitch until they get their way, they won't go by the rules and demand everyone else do things their way. Basically, people are fucking stupid.


            • I glanced over the first page and make a simple request. Could you leave some of the guns with me for safe keeping?

              In case of an uprising, I want to be sure I am better armed than the oppressors.


              • Send me a chazzwazzer
                Originally posted by talisman
                I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                Originally posted by AdamLX
                If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                Because fuck you, that's why
                Originally posted by 80coupe
                nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                Originally posted by Rick Modena
                ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                Originally posted by Jester
                Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                • Maybe the true answer is to send all the liberals to Australia and Canada? They'd be in paradise! Good luck Alex!
                  92 LX 5.0


                  • Originally posted by The King View Post


                    • so when things look grim you pack up and leave? good thing you weren't in the military, you'd be the guy running when the shit gets real.
                      i know things are "bad" here in 'MERICA, but fuck leaving. i'm not going anywhere

                      good luck though and headbutt a kangaroo if you see one


                      • Maybe they will accept you to med school there.



                        • Good for you enjoy the journey. 97% of the people on this site are miserable middle aged folks that have failed at their own lives and love to talk shit to younger folks that do better than they do to make themselves feel better. Hence all the daddy's got money jokes.

                          If I was you I'd rock out with my cock out and laugh at all the haters.


                          • Oh shit I'm a 3%er!! Woot woot


                            • Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                              Good for you enjoy the journey. 97% of the people on this site are miserable middle aged folks that have failed at their own lives and love to talk shit to younger folks that do better than they do to make themselves feel better. Hence all the daddy's got money jokes.

                              If I was you I'd rock out with my cock out and laugh at all the haters.
                              FUCKING LOL! That's some funny shit right there.


                              • Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                                Good for you enjoy the journey. 97% of the people on this site are miserable middle aged folks that have failed at their own lives and love to talk shit to younger folks that do better than they do to make themselves feel better. Hence all the daddy's got money jokes.

                                If I was you I'd rock out with my cock out and laugh at all the haters.

                                I hate to break it to you, but in your case it is 100% justified.

