Thu - left at 4:22am to go from Austin to Slidell, LA (just N of New Orleans) to see the parents. I'm .6 miles away, when I get stopped by a Slidell officer hiding behind a bush with his car tucked back in the shrubs. He stepped out and waived me down with his hand... going 34 in a 25.
My car (Prius) was packed with gifts, blinds for my parents new house, me, the wife, and the 2 year old. He checked the car, asked where I was coming from, asked if we had speed limits there... I was nice, told him we were 528 miles into a 529 mile trip. He looked at my daughter, waived to her, and told her to have me slow down...
Damn you nice cops. Slackers.
I should've expained how this site works, and how I was supposed to get on here and blame him for me breaking the law...
My car (Prius) was packed with gifts, blinds for my parents new house, me, the wife, and the 2 year old. He checked the car, asked where I was coming from, asked if we had speed limits there... I was nice, told him we were 528 miles into a 529 mile trip. He looked at my daughter, waived to her, and told her to have me slow down...
Damn you nice cops. Slackers.

I should've expained how this site works, and how I was supposed to get on here and blame him for me breaking the law...