Originally posted by shumpertdavid
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Stop enforcing the law assholes!
Originally posted by 03trubluGT View PostReally?
If your address was issued 3 months ago and it has your new address, then that's a dead giveaway.
There are others, but I'll keep those secret.
Originally posted by racrguy View PostMost people who are affluent enough to afford a Mercedes have a better grasp of of the English language.
Originally posted by line-em-up View PostDo you have to register your car at your address? When, if, I get my mustang going again, I plan on registering it at a different address so the thieves can't get my address from my lp.ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh
Originally posted by Yale View PostHe actually does have one. He drove it to a Craig and Leah party once. All he did was sit in the corner, and try to look up girl's skirts, though. He wouldn't even talk to people unless they came up to him.Originally posted by Marisawe women are all irrational and emotional and insane...some just hide it better than others.
Originally posted by red89notch View PostI didn't have to try. She was sitting directly accross from me and didn't cross her legs, I would be gay to not look. Yeah, I'm pretty shy. SorryZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh
Originally posted by Yale View PostHe actually does have one. He drove it to a Craig and Leah party once. All he did was sit in the corner, and try to look up girl's skirts, though. He wouldn't even talk to people unless they came up to him.
Originally posted by shumpertdavid View Postwhat kind would that be?
I can't stand that kind either.
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostI'd imagine he means the kind that didn't outgrow doing wheelies to impress girls when they turned 12, or the kind that thinks its ok to ride like a jackass, putting the lives of commuters around them in jeopardy, or the kind that refuses to learn their lesson no matter how many tickets or how many breaks they receive.
I can't stand that kind either.
Originally posted by Darren M View Post"Sir, yes Sir, I screwed up Sir. I'll get that rectified ASAP! Thank you for your understanding Sir and I hope you have an uneventful night!"
A Trooper graced me with about the same situation on my way back from Lubbock after the UT/TT football game. Caught me red handed outside of Abilene doing 85 in a 70. He asked my Daughter who she wanted to win the game and she responded with "The Longhorns, of course." (My Daughter is 6.) He said "Little Lady, you just made your Daddy's day. Sir, please watch your speed, this here is a future Longhorn. She needs to get to UT in a couple of years. Have a great day Sir and Ma'am, you keep your Daddy from speeding." To that she responded "Yes Sir!" And gave me a go to hell look I'll never forget. (Again, she's 6.) Gotta love a Trooper who is more than situationally aware!I got really lucky as he must have thought I was a supervisor or unmarked headed back to the office?
Originally posted by aggie97 View PostHave a similar one. I was headed back from Lubbock in a rental car. Black 2010 Impala. Cruising at 85-90, crested a hill and there was a trooper headed toward me in the opposite lane. The second he saw me he started pulling over to the shoulder to whip a bitch. As I got right up to him, I merely lifted my left hand and waived sort of like cops do to each other when they pass on the street. He saw the black impy and pulled back onto highway and rolled on. I never lifted or tapped the brakes. Kept on rolling down the road....at 65mph!I got really lucky as he must have thought I was a supervisor or unmarked headed back to the office?
There's no "just giving you shit" emoticon so this one will have to do.Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American GunThere comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.