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I'd like some input on finances/investing

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    42A - HR - What is your's?

    Just be prepared that your duty station may not allow for you to buy something, so I'd hold off on any decisions...
    Good deal, he'll definitely have some good experience for when he gets out.

    Meaning they'll place restrictions on having a POV? 13B
    Detailing by Dylan
    Ask about the Pre-Spring special


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dlachance View Post
      Good deal, he'll definitely have some good experience for when he gets out.

      Meaning they'll place restrictions on having a POV? 13B
      Yup, I told him to stay away from Infantry for that reason...

      No, meaning you may get stationed in S. Korea, as a very large population does.

      <-- was 11M and got order for Korea as well...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dlachance View Post
        It will be after AIT. I finish first week in April and will be on leave for a while. Only problem is, is that I am not quite sure if I will be able to stay at base over Christmas. Two of the recruiters at my rs went to ft sill and said they kick everyone out, but I've heard otherwise. I'd hate to go in the hole before getting a permanent assignment, and I won't really have a family to come home to anyways.
        I was at Sill for basic during Christmas 04 and I know people that stayed back. Sorry to hear you don't have anybody to spend the holidays with, if I wasn't going with the wife to Washington I would invite you up to Colorado Springs.
        De Oppresso Liber.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
          Yup, I told him to stay away from Infantry for that reason...

          No, meaning you may get stationed in S. Korea, as a very large population does.

          <-- was 11M and got order for Korea as well...
          I really wouldn't mind S. Korea. How did you like it? Just had a friend come back; he was over there as an English teacher. He regularly goes to Liberty but was able to go overseas, and loved it.

          Originally posted by 95ragtop View Post
          I was at Sill for basic during Christmas 04 and I know people that stayed back. Sorry to hear you don't have anybody to spend the holidays with, if I wasn't going with the wife to Washington I would invite you up to Colorado Springs.
          Alright cool. The 2 guys that were there were probably blowing smoke up my ass. I appreciate it sir! Yeah, brother is going to the oilfields, parents are done for, mom will be going out the country, so it kinda sucks.
          Detailing by Dylan

          Ask about the Pre-Spring special


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dlachance View Post
            Good deal, he'll definitely have some good experience for when he gets out.

            Meaning they'll place restrictions on having a POV? 13B
            Yes, in Korea there is restrictions on POV's i.e. for the AF only NCO's and officers can have them.


            • #21
              Why not just buy a car out right for less than $5K? If you want something in the 10K range, why not shoot for a G35?


              • #22
                YOu can have my beanie baby collection for $35k. SHould be worth double that in a year!
                How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                • #23
                  The best thing for him to do is wait. I was in for a year and a half before I got somewhere that I was even allowed to have a car, then I deployed 8 months out of the year for the next two years.

                  89GTstanger/Dlachance- You need to be patient and just see where you end up, the military is going to dictate nearly every aspect of your life and being low in the ranks means you don't get alot of luxuries. Keep that money saved until you get a couple years under your belt.


                  • #24
                    I liked Korea, but that was 17 years ago, so not sure what it's like now. Living in a foreign country and experiencing a drastically different cluture was an awesome experience.

                    As for your current business, you said you are a detailer? Well, any time you are stationed CONUS make sure you bring your equipment.. I bet you could make a KILLING doing minor detailing at the barracks. When I lived in the barracks pretty much everyone who owned a car was outside washing / waxing every weekend. Granted, they aren't going to be up for full service stuff in the hundreds of dollars, but some easy / quick waxing and buffing could keep you very busy and just give you more to add to your investments.

