Rode out their yesterday with some buddies to check it out. When we got there we were told to hang out front until filming was through. There were two film crews there; one for Fast N Loud and the other for Biker Build Off. We were told that the deadline for the Biker Build Off build was midnight tonight. Richard Rawlings comes walking around from the back yelling on a cell phone. He finally comes up to us shakes our hand and apologizes. He said that they were in the bike build off with OCC, PJD and Jesse James. Said that Jr and James were wanting an extension because thay couldn't make deadline and Discovery Channel wasn't going to make them forfeit. While we were talking with Rawlings one of the mechanics pulls around from the back in a red 65 Mustang and hauls ass down Reeder Rd towards Royal Ln. About five minutes later Aaron (long beard guy) comes running out of the shop yelling for Rawlings to get into the truck. They tear outta there in that black Raptor towards Royal Ln. All of the film crews come running out and jump on golf carts and try to follow. We were told that the mechanic in the 65 Mustang on a test drive got t-boned on Royal Ln.
This was the most interesting 45 minutes watching everyone scramble around while Rawlings was having a fit. Rawlings was a really cool dude, hell they even gave us a beer. That is all...
This was the most interesting 45 minutes watching everyone scramble around while Rawlings was having a fit. Rawlings was a really cool dude, hell they even gave us a beer. That is all...
