Originally posted by The King
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When I was 19 I presented myself with a challenge. I was working, but nothing special. I thought $1,000 was alot of money and wondered how long it would take me to save that much money if I cut out all the bullshit and didn't do the dumb stuff all my friends were doing. I was shocked when 6 weeks later I had my $1,000. After hitting the high of what it felt like to hold $1,000 a light went off in my head and I wondered what it would be like to have $2,000. Well $2,000 turned into $5,000 and $5,000 turned into $10,000 ect ect ect. Granted I could have had alot of nice cars and other bs dumb shit that all my friends were buying, but nope I stayed a cheap ass. Well at the bright young age of 22 I woke up one day and had $50,000 in the bank. I hit some bumps along the way and several times I fell off the wagon, but in 3 years I worked hard and saved $50,000 and not one penny of that was given to me.
From there the sky was the limit and I've never looked back. Every year I force myself to work harder, save more and invest more. Granted I get a wild hair up my ass every once and awhile and it really scares my wife when I open up my wallet and throw alot of cash down on something, but thats the joy of having money. You get to treat yourself to some nice things.