Tell that to the familys of the 10,000+ people killed by drunk drivers last year or the 16,000+ killed becuse of texting.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Tell that to the familys of the 10,000+ people killed by drunk drivers last year or the 16,000+ killed becuse of texting.
That's because they haven't been prosecuting the negligent people for years. If they actually did something besides a small fine at worst, then it would change people's behavior. The only reason that DUIs are so common is because it's a cash cow. If drunks who killed people got a nice set of chrome bracelets and a manslaughter charge, you bet your ass it would influence others.
Tell that to the familys of the 10,000+ people killed by drunk drivers last year or the 16,000+ killed becuse of texting.
Because laws already on the books about distracted driving, drunk driving and a long list of other laws they had to break first, stopped any of those from happening. Laws do not stop people from breaking them.
Because laws already on the books about distracted driving, drunk driving and a long list of other laws they had to break first, stopped any of those from happening. Laws do not stop people from breaking them.
Your right but the potential hit to the wallet or freedom keeps most people honest.
I read this thread as well as a few others on my drive home from work, 30 minute commute at 1am sucks and it helps pass the time, I don't so much text and I never post on here while driving but the internet has definitely made the last couple years or so of commuting easier.
If I see a dumn fucker driving down the highway using both hands to type a text on there phone and not looking up, I kindly pull up next to them, push in the clutch, engage my 2step, and mash the loud pedal. after the first few loud "BANGs" they start paying attention.
The fucking solution is so easy but none implements it. Every phone has GPS now days... If the GPS detects you are moving more then 5 mph.... There should be an automatic texting lock. Problem solved with a simple software update..
The fucking solution is so easy but none implements it. Every phone has GPS now days... If the GPS detects you are moving more then 5 mph.... There should be an automatic texting lock. Problem solved with a simple software update..
Which would shut down passenger phones as well. Can't have personal freedoms and responsibilities. That's just insane! We HAVE to have new laws