I just can't imagine a mom not falling in between them to protect the son. I knew after becoming a father that I would die to protect my son or his life. It's not something I would second guess myself on.
Those "parents" don't deserve to have the taxpayers spend more than about $0.50 total (approximate cost of a 9mm shot to the head, times two).
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Yup...I think if you kid is removed from your household for neglect or abuse, then you should have to pay child support to the foster family until the child is 18.
Mom brings her 8yr old son into the ER for cough and fever. The real father isnt in the picture and she has been remarried for a year. The step father isnt present. While examining the child, bruises are found in various stages of healing on his back, butt and legs. Mom was asked about these and she said he fell off his bike recently. The boy did not want to talk about it. So CPS and LE get involved. Turns out this isnt the first time CPS had been called about this family. Stepfather was beating child for whatever reason and mom didnt intervene. Mom had no job and stepfather paid all the bills. CPS took child from home and father to jail. CPS would not give child back to mother unless she could guarantee his safety by leaving this man's home. She had to choose between her son and her bread winner. She chose the latter and bonded him out of jail. I think she is a piece of shit, but I just wanted to see what you guys thought. As far as I know, the child is still in foster care.
I'd like to know how the step father was arrested without an investigation. The presence of bruises in the healing stages means that the abuse is in the past.
The fact that the mom gave an explanation (falling off bike) and stopped talking about it, add to it the kid didn't provide information means that the arrest was based on an assumption, or circumstantial information.
Besides that, CPS has no powers of arrest. They are a caretaking organization, not an law enforement one.
I'm not disagreeing that something needed to be done, but this is a weak case against step dad.
Quit trying to read too deeply into this...CPS did not arrest him. I figured that people on here reading this would understand what I meant...LE arrested him and this was based on them talking to mom and child. And there were new bruises on top of healing bruises. Classic signs of abuse. When I reread what I wrote I knew that someone was going to take this stance...just figured it would be someone more ignorant than you.
Girls are dumb. It's no different than the chick that is "saved" from her abusing boyfriend, only to then testify against the guy that helped her out. She obviously feels that she has no other choice than to bond out her BF, which is sad, but untrue.
Girls are dumb. It's no different than the chick that is "saved" from her abusing boyfriend, only to then testify against the guy that helped her out. She obviously feels that she has no other choice than to bond out her BF, which is sad, but untrue.
There is always a choice to do what is right. She has the choice to do right by her kids, or choose to do what she wants for herself by keeping an abusive person around. Everything else is exuses.