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Dog thieves

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  • #16
    Originally posted by aCid View Post
    Man I'm sorry dude I would kill a mother fucker if they tried to steal my dogs


    • #17
      Put up some reward posters....that's probably what they're lookin for, and it'll lead you right to them. If they call and ask how much just lead them where ever you have to to get the dogs.

      Still odd they would be stolen.


      • #18
        If someone stole my dogs, they'd be paying me to take them back
        Last edited by Shaggin Wagon; 10-15-2012, 11:58 AM. Reason: I gues the CAPS is back on now!


        • #19
          I hope they rot in hell


          • #20
            I don't think too many people would steal 9/5 yr old dogs...unless they're breeding quality. I hope you find them though.


            • #21
              Typically breeders, or resellers do this. Had a Somoyed stolen years back which was dumped way over in Dallas, after they found out he had been fixed and had dysplasia...

              Good luck with getting your dogs back, and do post some pics so that we can all check...


              • #22
                Thats why my dog stays inside while im not home.. Hes only 11 weeks old
                GOPR0198 by larrychance88


                • #23
                  Put up a ton of posters and leave some at vets offices in the area. Did they have tags on them, or microchips?

                  Maybe they really did get out somehow and someone has given them a new home. If so, maybe that person would see the sign and give them back.

                  Good luck. I would be completely devastated.


                  • #24
                    Our two are chipped and we encourage the new pup owners to invest in the same. I really hope you can get them back. I would be strapping up in a montage like Arnold in Commando if someone stole my dogs. It would be like Taken 3.
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                    • #25
                      Wow man. I hope you find them tomorrow morning on the front porch looking at you like you should have food for them.

                      My two are chipped as well
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #26
                        Any chance they were able to hop over the fence or is it a privacy fence?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
                          Any chance they were able to hop over the fence or is it a privacy fence?
                          No, it's a privacy fence.

                          But I've put out flyers and been calling the local shelters. They do have collars on them but no chips. I wish I did that now. I'll post some pics tomorrow of my dogs. Damn I really miss them.
                          2010 F-350 6.4L SRW CC 4X4

                          Spartan tunes, 5 inch flo-pro, 4 inch down pipe, cold side piping, AFE stage 2 CAI, EGR delete, Air Dog II

                          2012 Mustang 5.0 GT Stock........for now.


                          • #28
                            wow i've never heard of that before! good luck..


                            • #29
                              I highly encourage people to chip their dogs. My grandma's dog got out one day and she couldn't find him. A year and 4 months later, we get a call from a lady who found him 20 miles away, she took him to the vet who confirmed he was chipped and gave her my grandma's phone number.

