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grocery question

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  • grocery question

    how much do yall usually spend at the store for food? i dont see how we spend almost 200 dollars and there are only 2 and a 1/2 ppl here

    Originally posted by DOHCTR
    You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!

  • #2
    About an avg of $100/week or less. Same # of people in my household.


    • #3
      200 a week, a month, a year? My wife and I eat out probably 14+or- times a week so we don't buy a lot of groceries.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BradM View Post
        My wife and I eat out probably 14+or- times a week so we don't buy a lot of groceries.
        Wut, are you serious?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
          Wut, are you serious?
          Yeah, sometimes we'll get on a cooking at home kick but never in the summer. Fuck heating up the house.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bradm View Post
            200 a week, a month, a year? My wife and i eat out probably 14+or- times a week so we don't buy a lot of groceries.
            $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$choo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$choo$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$


            • #7
              typically about 200$ every other week. We only go hardcore grocery shopping weeks we have the kids. Usually enough after a week to last for my lunches, and snacks and few dinners. Thats for 4 1/2 people


              • #8
                Originally posted by BradM View Post
                Yeah, sometimes we'll get on a cooking at home kick but never in the summer. Fuck heating up the house.
                Do you know how much money you could save by cutting that down to like once a week? And you're gonna shave years off of your life eating out that often.


                • #9
                  i guess its every 2 weeks but it still seems alot, i remember when i lived with my mom she was able to buy food for under 100 a week and feed 4

                  Originally posted by DOHCTR
                  You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
                    Do you know how much money you could save by cutting that down to like once a week? And you're gonna shave years off of your life eating out that often.
                    Yeah, you'd really be ashamed of my liquor bill.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BradM View Post
                      Yeah, you'd really be ashamed of my liquor bill.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                        I'm growing my beard now too. We'll probably look like twins if I wear a hat.
                        <=== bald twin.


                        • #13
                          $200 a month, if that. Probably more like $150-175.


                          • #14
                            We probably spend $80 a week on average. Do you end up throwing out shit that doesn't get used cause it either expired or goes bad? We used to have shit that we would buy, never eat and toss it. We then started to plan our meals for the week, and made a list of what to buy and that really helped.


                            • #15
                              Probably $120-$150 a week for two adults and a 5 year old.

