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Pit Bull attacks Yorkie at PetSmart

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  • #31
    "your mother fucking yorkie tried to choke my pit bull to death by getting stuck in his throat!!"
    2016 250 Mini dozer

    No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.


    • #32
      Apparently petsmart is responsible for the lack of pet laws? Wtf?
      "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
      "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


      • #33
        1. Husky should be taken away.
        2. Husky owner should be fined and sued.
        3. Husky owner banned from owning dogs.
        4. Lady should be lectured for being oblivious and causing the death of her animal

        No feelings for that lady. Its NOT hard to spot a dog going into attack mode...sometimes it pays to get off the damn cell phone and TV and figure out how the world works.
        2004 Z06 Commemorative Ed.


        • #34
          Originally posted by mschmoyer View Post
          1. Husky should be taken away.
          2. Husky owner should be fined and sued.
          3. Husky owner banned from owning dogs.
          4. Lady should be lectured for being oblivious and causing the death of her animal

          No feelings for that lady. Its NOT hard to spot a dog going into attack mode...sometimes it pays to get off the damn cell phone and TV and figure out how the world works.
          Holy jump to conclusions.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
            Holy jump to conclusions.
            From another forum:

            A dear friend of mine had a Teacup Yorkie and took her to Petsmart in Castle Hills last Saturday. (I know it's not Frisco, but I thought maybe someone here could point me in the right direction on how to get help...)

            As soon as they walked in the door - a Husky broke free from it's owner and attacked the Yorkie (killing it). The store manager took down the Husky owner's contact info and then let her leave before the police arrived - and is now refusing to disclose the Husky's info. Castle Hills PD is saying they don't have any Animal Control Ordinance for quarantine/disposal of a dangerous dog even though the Husky meets the State definition of it.

            Part of what is so upsetting about this is that when my friend called the Petsmart store manager as instructed on Monday - the person that answered the phone didn't "mute" the handset when he was speaking to the Store Manager and she overheard the Manager say "I don't want to deal with this today, just hang up on her." and the line went dead. When she called back, she was told the Manager wasn't in. No calls have been returned. She's called Corporate but is getting the run around.

            Who can she reach out to (Municipal Court, Media?) to get someone to help her? Aside from the shock of losing a family member in this way, they're now in for Vet bills from the Banfield Clinic inside Petsmart - and Petsmart won't release the Yorkie's remains unless she pays the Banfield Vet bill.

            She can't get closure on anything.

            Yorkie was on a harness leash (she was only 4 pounds). Husky was on a collar leash from what I gather. It happened in the doorway as my girlfriend was walking into the store with the Yorkie. There were some comments made that the Husky was aggressive toward other dogs in the store prior to this happening and that the owner said he lacked socialization.

            Personally, I think there's something fishy going on between the manager and the Husky owner. Either he neglected to get her info as is required under Petsmart store policy - or he is friendly with her. Something stinks...


            • #36
              Originally posted by Fatass View Post
              Moral of the story, if you have an aggressive dog leave it at home.
              You're not wrong. At least keep them close on a good leash and harness and make sure you have total control.

              I own two large dogs that are very aggressive towards other dogs. I don't see it as a problem at all - just a reality. My dogs are fucking awesome. great with people, kids, etc, extremely loveable, awesome personalities, and just a great joy to own. But, I know the potential hazards, and I do what is needed to keep everyone safe. I'll normally just avoid it, but if I do find myself in a situation where we may encounter other dogs, I make sure to keep them right by my side on a strong leash and harness. And I know I'm strong enough to maintain control of them. It's that simple. I think some people are just in denial about what their dogs can/will do, and/or they get complacent.

              All it takes is an honest realization of how your dogs react to things, what they are potentially capable of in a worst case scenario, and making responsible decisions. In my opinion, it's absolutely okay to own an aggressive dog as long as you do everything it takes to keep bad shit from happening.

              Petsmart has slick floors. It doesn't take much effort to keep a dog close when they can't get any traction. Sounds like somebody just wasn't paying attention.


              • #37
                I rarely take my dog out in public. Not because she is aggressive, or because I'm overtly worried about other aggressive dogs. There are just far to many variables when you're dealing with an animal where things can go wrong, and I don't want to risk her safety OR someone elses safety if something clicks wrong and things go bad. I definitely don't take her to stores or anything of that nature. Situation really sucks.


                • #38
                  My dog has been attacked twice while on a walk around the the same loose dog. After the first time I started carrying pepper spray, and soaked this dog in the head when I saw it coming. It didn't phase her at all. The attacker is a pretty big great pyranese, and I have a 75lb lab so luckily she wasn't hurt TOO bad, but she doesn't try to fight. I absolutely hate it when people don't control their dogs.

                  This is part of the reason I will never own a little shit dog either too.


                  • #39
                    "Kitten, what I think I'm saying is, sometimes, shit happens, somebody's gotta deal with it, and who're you gonna call?!"


                    • #40
                      since theres a new election coming up..

                      I think Obama was in on it!


                      • #41
                        My wife takes our Yokie 5lbs to petsmart. If something like that happen to me there would be a dead dog and a dead owner. Accidents happen


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                          From another forum:

                          A dear friend of mine had a Teacup Yorkie and took her to Petsmart in Castle Hills last Saturday. (I know it's not Frisco, but I thought maybe someone here could point me in the right direction on how to get help...)

                          As soon as they walked in the door - a Husky broke free from it's owner and attacked the Yorkie (killing it). The store manager took down the Husky owner's contact info and then let her leave before the police arrived - and is now refusing to disclose the Husky's info. Castle Hills PD is saying they don't have any Animal Control Ordinance for quarantine/disposal of a dangerous dog even though the Husky meets the State definition of it.

                          Part of what is so upsetting about this is that when my friend called the Petsmart store manager as instructed on Monday - the person that answered the phone didn't "mute" the handset when he was speaking to the Store Manager and she overheard the Manager say "I don't want to deal with this today, just hang up on her." and the line went dead. When she called back, she was told the Manager wasn't in. No calls have been returned. She's called Corporate but is getting the run around.

                          Who can she reach out to (Municipal Court, Media?) to get someone to help her? Aside from the shock of losing a family member in this way, they're now in for Vet bills from the Banfield Clinic inside Petsmart - and Petsmart won't release the Yorkie's remains unless she pays the Banfield Vet bill.

                          She can't get closure on anything.

                          Yorkie was on a harness leash (she was only 4 pounds). Husky was on a collar leash from what I gather. It happened in the doorway as my girlfriend was walking into the store with the Yorkie. There were some comments made that the Husky was aggressive toward other dogs in the store prior to this happening and that the owner said he lacked socialization.

                          Personally, I think there's something fishy going on between the manager and the Husky owner. Either he neglected to get her info as is required under Petsmart store policy - or he is friendly with her. Something stinks...
                          Store manger would take a beating also!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by The King View Post
                            That's why the mailman won't get out of his truck any more and deliver letters to your door.
                            lol, posting from the shitter on the phone fail


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
                              My wife takes our Yokie 5lbs to petsmart. If something like that happen to me there would be a dead dog and a dead owner. Accidents happen
                              Yeah getting a murder charge is a great call for a dead rat.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                                Yeah getting a murder charge is a great call for a dead rat.
                                My rat is Family And shit happens to people everyday and doesnt stick

