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Army Aviation guys?

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  • Army Aviation guys?

    In reference to this thread

    Any of you former hooahs come from aviation units? The orignal plan was to head to Marine OCS after graduation with a flight contract. That was my idealistic plan as a 17 year old. Then coming home from Iraq followed by life happened. Most I'll ever do is the national guard with a looming marriage but I still miss the military in general and there does happen to be a national guard blackhawk unit in Texas.Just curious if any of ya'll had prior experience dealing with the overall culture of army aviation units and if you had any advice on submitting a WO package. If I end up going back in the only way I'd want to do anything other than the Corps is to fly helo's.

  • #2
    Well, I'm sure things have changed since my days in Army Aviation. However I loved it. It was one of the best times of my life and I somewhat regret getting out. I was only a UH-1H crew chief in the '90s and did some cross training with the UH60 guys when it was still allowed, but I always had a great time doing my job.

    The only thing that will suck for you is WOC school at Ft. Rucker. They treat the guys there like shit. They have you do the stupidest thing but there is a reason for it since they want you to pay attention to the most tiny of details. The instructors will ride your ass for the smallest thing. You have to strive for perfection and just roll with the other BS...

    There were several Warrants and Officers at my last unit that pushed me to go into WOC school. However, I had glasses back then and the best I could hope for was to be a walking Warrant. There is an INFINITE amount of bullshit I would have taken to become a UH60 or AH64 pilot but I was certain that I would be on a short fuse to become a walking warrant. I passed and moved on. It was probably a good move in the long run but I still miss Army Aviation...


    • #3
      My girlfriend's dad poo-poos Army helo pilots, but he's a Marine helicopter pilot, so that's probably a good sign. Damn WOC. Can't you get a regular comission in the National Guard?


      • #4
        They let Warrant Officers fly I'm like'em cause that's probably the only way I'll ever fly in the military.
        2004 Suzuki DL650
        1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yale View Post
          My girlfriend's dad poo-poos Army helo pilots, but he's a Marine helicopter pilot, so that's probably a good sign. Damn WOC. Can't you get a regular comission in the National Guard?
          In the Army, commissioned officer = weapons officer (gunner). If I'm not mistaken, WOs are the only ones that actually get to fly.
          "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


          • #6
            Originally posted by helosailor View Post
            In the Army, commissioned officer = weapons officer (gunner). If I'm not mistaken, WOs are the only ones that actually get to fly.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #7
              I was a CH-47 Flight Engineer with a Natl Guard unit in Grand Prairie in the 90s. Being on flight status is a far greater committment in time and training than you might expect. This will be beyond the initial flight training that you complete at Ft Rucker. Culture wise, I know much has changed since I left. If you are seriously considering this as a future career option I would suggest you get information from some people who are currently in the unit you would be joining. A recruiter could probably point you in the right direction in contacting the unit.

              Do make sure that the future Mrs. is onboard with this career path you are considering. She may be facing more time alone than she thinks she is signing up for. Your chances at deployment are far greater than you might think.

              You will not be just an average weekend warrior who goes to drill once a month and does the two week summer camp. There are flight time requirements, certifications and ratings that you must keep up in order to maintain your flight status. You will be as well trained, probably better, and as ready as any RA pilot for deployment.

              I miss it sometimes, and sometimes not so much. There is good and bad in all things and since you know the military, the bad wont be a shock. I found it to be very peaceful in the air. There is not much that is more fun than cutting holes in the sky all day.

              Good luck with your decision and congratulations on the upcoming marriage.


              • #8
                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                In the Army, commissioned officer = weapons officer (gunner). If I'm not mistaken, WOs are the only ones that actually get to fly.
                No, there are plenty of pilots that are commissioned officers. The difference is that the Officer can hold a command position within the unit. WO's can hold command positions but their jobs are usually more technical in nature.

                The Battalion and Company commanders of my two former units were almost always pilots. One good friend of mine was a 2nd LT when I met him at my last unit. He was a pilot then, and is still a pilot now as a Bird Colonel. He probably won't stop flying until he gets his star... geez, I can't believe that guy was just some snot nosed butter finger bar when I was a Sergeant.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
                  geez, I can't believe that guy was just some snot nosed butter finger bar when I was a Sergeant.
                  It's bitch to think about huh...if I wouldn't have taken 3 years off I'd be shooting for E-7 right now or finishing up the WO basic course.


                  • #10
                    i dont think I could put on any other uniform after the Marine Corps. Just wouldnt feel right.
                    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                    Semper Fi


                    • #11
                      Military people amuse me. They count down their days until they get out, and spend the rest of their lives regretting that they left and wish they never left.


                      • #12
                        I could and still might. With the way the promotion and retirement outlook is for the Marine Corps right now transitioning to another branch of the service might be my best bet to make my 20 year retirement. I don't have a problem with that honestly. It wouldn't make me any less of a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine and what not.
                        2004 Suzuki DL650
                        1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Downs View Post
                          I could and still might. With the way the promotion and retirement outlook is for the Marine Corps right now transitioning to another branch of the service might be my best bet to make my 20 year retirement. I don't have a problem with that honestly. It wouldn't make me any less of a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine and what not.
                          A good friend of mine made the jump from 14th Marines to the national guard. He says its not bad really, if you goto a combat unit it'll have the same mentality as Marines are used to.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GE View Post
                            Military people amuse me. They count down their days until they get out, and spend the rest of their lives regretting that they left and wish they never left.
                            very true........except for me. lol fuck that shit.
                            May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                            Semper Fi


                            • #15
                              Yeah I've thought about "cross-decking" as well. Will definitely be looking into the Army (reserves/nat guard) in regards to the rotary wings side. Wouldnt mind putting in a warrant officer package as well.

