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Rest in peace old friend

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  • Rest in peace old friend

    I can honestly say, tonight my heart hurts. I was in bed, loaded up on ambien so I would sleep until 3 am when I have to get on the road and I was woken by the wife of one of my dear friends letting me know he had passed this morning. Let me tell you about Mark Ketcham.

    Mark was unable to serve in Vietnam so he signed up to go there as a civilian, serving the soldiers in Vietnam. From then on, always feeling left out, he spent the rest of his life going from group of veteran to group of veteran, caring for them helping them find counseling, jobs, whatever they needed to get back on their feet. He helped soldiers find rent money if they came up short, tinted teh windows on my truck so I could go back to school and faced the VA and school to ensure my GI bill was squared away more than once.

    The man worked tirelessly and was one of those people who had a genuine love for soldiers and their families. The amount of troop's lives he touched, made better, can never be counted in full as the man was so special to so many he became family. I made him an honorary grandfather of my son the day he was born because he drove from Dallas to Paris to be there for the event and was there at both birthdays.

    A few weeks ago, he got sick and wound up in the hospital for a galbladder that had gotten infected. Docs said that if they tried to remove it, they'd have to cut most of his other organs as well because it had turned to gel around everything. Well they stabilized him, and sent him home to get better because in 4 weeks he was going back in and having that galbladder removed.

    Tonight, I get the call that he passed this morning. His wife (who also has a severe TBI) told us that he had died and she was sorry for calling so late......I feel l ike I've lost another battle buddy and it's killing me inside. It hurts. Damn it hurts. I just spoke to him a couple of days ago and he was drugged but very happy and positive and wanting to get back on the job because there were people who needed him. Always people who needed him.

    Today, the world lost a tireless man, someone who served soldiers of every branch with equal fevor and was willing to miss sleep, family functions and put himself on the line to ensure the soldier was getting help. Rest in piece my friend. You've gone one but we will see another one day. Stands Alone!
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    not to take away from your story, RIP, but what is your disability and how did it happen?

    serious this time.


    • #3
      He sounds like a wonderful selfless loving man. I'm sorry for your loss. RIP.


      • #4
        Sorry for your loss, RIP. I just lost a good friend a couple of weeks ago. It's hard to deal with and makes you put things into perspective.


        • #5
          Originally posted by naynay View Post
          not to take away from your story, RIP, but what is your disability and how did it happen?

          serious this time.
          I was shot between the eyes with a 7.62 during a firefight on Black Sunday in Sadr City Iraq. The firefight continued for several hours and the vehicle I was being med'evac'd in was hit my 2 RPG's and we remained fighting for better part of a day after we were injured. Back at the FOB I was overdosed on morphine which killed me and I woke being put into a body bag in Baghdad.

          I have severe TBI, severe PTSD, anger issues, paranoia, anxiety, survivor's guilt (which this doesn't help) and so on and so forth.

          If you would like to know more, I was in Time Magazine called 3 Roads Back and was on Nightline. There were a couple books published about the day, one by my colonel, Colonel Volesky.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
            He sounds like a wonderful selfless loving man. I'm sorry for your loss. RIP.
            He was. Is. Dammit, was. You could call him 24 hours a day and he'd be down here as fast as he could get dressed and drive out. He helped me figure out the VA and fought the school for me numerous times. No matter how many soldiers came to him for help, he took us on like family and we were never made to feel we were too much, our burdens too heavy. He would have made a hell of a soldier.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              I made this video..first one...Please show respect to those that have fallenThanks everyone for watching and commenting this videoThanks everyone for having ...
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                I am sorry for yours and his family's loss. He served his fellow man. Maybe the Lord will repay him 1000 fold.


                • #9
                  After reading your explanation, you have earned the right to be a bit touchy. Thanks dude. You won't hear another negative word from me. You are a certifiable badass. Thanks for all you do.

                  God bless
                  It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    Sorry for your loss, Frost.
                    Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                    Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear it Frost. Shame he didn't get the recognition for serving his country.


                      • #12
                        Message from his wife: There will be no funeral, no service. Mark didn't want anyone to go out of their way for him, so if you're goign to do something, have a drink and think of him.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #13
                          Sorry to lay this on yall so late. It's either focus it here or actually break down and I can't do that. I have to get the kiddo to Children's in a few hours and I'm at my max dosage on Ambien so, no depending on that. I have to say, PTSD is good on one front. Same front his wife is using. It dulls things so they can be managed, separates you from what is going on so you can focus.

                          The two of us fucking with Congress:

                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #14
                            Thoughts go out to his family and friends. May he rest peacefully.


                            • #15
                              Sorry for your loss he sounded like a cool dude

