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Presidential debate summary

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  • #16
    For starters, keep in mind: that Barack Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a Division, or Project, of the Annenberg Foundation. Obama spent four plus years (1995-1999) as Chairman of the Board.

    William “Bill” Ayers, a Weather Underground terrorist and a friend of the Obamas, was instrumental in founding the Challenge, with his ties to Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley.

    Also, there are reports that the Annenberg files have been “locked down” under mysterious circumstances, after a reporter was promised access to those same files., used by many who wish to refute the negative coverage of Obama, is also a Division, or Project, of the Annenberg Foundation.

    You may recall that Factcheck was the second site to publish the now-suspect Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) reportedly received from the Obama campaign.

    The first site was, a political blog, publishing news and opinions from the liberal viewpoint. It serves as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists, whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening the Democratic Party.

    [The Annenberg family, and their namesake Foundation have an interesting history that I would like to examine in greater depth some day when I get the time.]

    Next, keep in mind that ACORN has received payments of nearly a million dollars from the Barack Obama Campaign in 2008. It appears that the payments were funneled through Citizens Services Inc., and may have been falsely reported to the FEC.

    Barack Obama has been working with ACORN since his first days as a Community Organizer in Chicago: “In 1992, Acorn hired Mr. Obama to run a voter registration effort. He later became a trainer for the group, as well as its lawyer in election law cases.” (John Fund, Op-Ed, “Obama’s liberal shock troops,” “The Wall Street Journal”, 07/12/08).

    “Representing ACORN, Obama and other attorneys sued the State Of Illinois, forcing it to implement Federal “motor voter” legislation to make it easier for the poor and minorities to register to vote.” (”Some Cases Obama Worked On In His Career As An Attorney,” “The Associated Press”, 02/20/07). Again, impartiality? I don’t think it’s possible.

    A couple more press quotes concerning ACORN:

    ACORN used “in your face” tactics like disrupting hearings, bursting into City Council meetings, and protesting at mayor’s homes. (Stanley Kurtz, Op-Ed, “Inside Obama’s Acorn,” “National Review”, 05/29/08 )

    Meanwhile, keep in mind: ACORN has been a beneficiary of grants from the Chicago-based Woods Fund, which has a history of issuing controversial grants. Ayres and Obama served together on the Fund’s board (and are still listed). [Other grantees during their tenure included PLO employee Rashid Khalidi and the Obamas' church, Trinity United.]

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #17
      Simply put, PBS is a drain. It isn't run in a sustainable or a profitable manner because it doesn't have to be. It is another welfare queen. So I would venture to say his problem is less with PBS and more with the fact that we are borrowing money to survive and keep bloated programs operating that constantly demand more resources.


      • #18
        Originally posted by A+ View Post
        I assume that you are a romney supporter since you are arguing the short list of facts that i just posted, even though i posted a link to the full article. i posted this in the forum to give undecided voters like MYSELF some reading info. on last nights debate. I dont know how i feel about Obama but apparently you know how i feel about him. As for your candidate, i like what he says but dont know how he plans to follow through. I can see it now, Romney wins and after 4 years he says, im gonna need more time to do ________ Why are Romney supporters do defensive?
        Obama has never told anybody details about anything he plans to do and how he plans to do it and he says exactly what you're predicting Romney to say four years from now. Take your head out of your ass for a minute and look at what you just wrote.
        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


        • #19
          Originally posted by A+ View Post
          i was in and out of the break room while they were going but i caught most of it. im gonna have to youtube it to see it in its entirety. How is it bias? It looked to me like Romney did most of the talking so he had more chances to make mistakes.It also debunks a lot of what both Romney and Obama said. and thats just a short summary, the rest can be seen at the link provided...
          Here's the major excuse offered by the Obama campaign and their minions for the historic Romney juggernaut last night: Romney dominated the debate because |

          Here’s the major excuse offered by the Obama campaign and their minions for the historic Romney juggernaut last night: Romney dominated the debate because Jim Lehrer, the moderator, lost control and let Romney talk too much.

          Guess what? Romney’s total running time when he spoke was four minutes less than Obama’s. Four minutes.

          When you have something significant to say and can articulate it well, you don’t need all the extra time to figure out which story to tell.

          But that didn’t stop Obama spokesperson Stephanie Cutter from making up this excuse for Obama’s disastrous performance: "I sometimes wondered if we even needed a moderator because we had Mitt Romney," Cutter told CNN. Later she tried to walk back her swipe at Lehrer in an email: “Jim Lehrer absolutely did his job as a moderator, as only Jim Lehrer can do. But Mitt Romney wanted to play by his own rules, and that came across loud and clear.”

          She wasn’t alone in attacking Lehrer; CNN’s Roland Smith (a non-partisan journalist, of course) tweeted: “I can already tell when this debate is over I’m going to go off on Jim Lehrer and these questions! #EssenceDebate”

          Bill Maher tweeted: “Hey Lehrer, you’re the fcking ref, stop letting the Mittbot bully you – he can’t fire YOU.”

          And wetleg Chris Matthews ranted:

          “I don’t know what he was doing out there. He had his head down. He was enduring the debate rather than fighting it. Romney, on the other hand, came in with a campaign. He had a plan … he was going to dominate the time, he was going to be aggressive, he was going to push the moderator around, which he did effectively…”

          But here’s the perfect example of how Obama and his apologists are lying when they say Lehrer’s passivity helped Romney win the debate.

          Obama was speaking about ObamaCare and said, “The last point I’d make, before … before - ” Lehrer interrupted, “2 minutes, 2 minutes are up, sir.” Obama then pointed to the clock and said “No … I ... I think I had five seconds before you interrupted me.” Lehrer then allowed Obama to speak for another 35 seconds.

          Jim Lehrer had nothing to do with Romney’s towering performance last night. Romney spoke less, but boy, did he carry the bigger stick.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #20
            Fuck Obama!


            • #21
              Debate summary: Obama without teleprompter = bumbling oaf muttering "uh" ad nauseum.


              • #22
                Jesus christ who left the gate to the political section open! All the crazies got out! I know I shut it. Who's gonna help me roundem back up?


                • #23
                  I finished my real homework at 1 am this morning and I was up all night reading up on a lot of stuff. I give up. Gary Johnson 2012.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by A+ View Post
                    I finished my real homework at 1 am this morning and I was up all night reading up on a lot of stuff. I give up. Gary Johnson 2012.
                    Yeah, well, Gary's carrying out the trash right now, but as soon as he gets back...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                      Yeah, well, Gary's carrying out the trash right now, but as soon as he gets back...
                      I'll wait. My mind is full of fuck right now.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by A+ View Post
                        I'll wait. My mind is full of fuck right now.
                        Look, if you plan on voting Gary Johnson, just go ahead and vote Obama.
                        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by A+ View Post
                          go ahead and tell me one of the lies said so i can do my own research, since what i posted is bias

                          usually when i read an article about both canidates, it goes one way, either to the left or right. factcheck call both out so i guess i just dont see it..
                          Fact check is bias...they are not calling both out in a consistent manner at all. After more reading do you at least get why I say this?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by A+ View Post
                            i was in and out of the break room while they were going but i caught most of it. im gonna have to youtube it to see it in its entirety. How is it bias? It looked to me like Romney did most of the talking so he had more chances to make mistakes.
                            Obama speaking time: 42 mins 40 seconds
                            Romney speaking time: 38 mins 14 seconds
                            Originally posted by davbrucas
                            I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                            Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                            You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                            • #29
                              If the clueless "uhs" were edited out of Obama's responses Romney would have clearly had more speaking time


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                                Obama speaking time: 42 mins 40 seconds
                                Romney speaking time: 38 mins 14 seconds
                                Come on, Slow. 4 minutes?? In obama terms, that's only time enough to answer half of a yes or no question.....

