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19 years ago today - Blackhawk Down

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  • #16
    Originally posted by no4njnk View Post
    Thank you to all those who served. Gordon and Shughart's story is one that should never be forgotten, they knew how little of a chance they had to survive and did it for fellow soldiers that they didn't know if were alive.

    I would recommend Black Hawk Down and In the Company of Heroes (Mike Durant's book about the battle) to anyone.
    Only movie I will ever admit to crying during. Gets me every time


    • #17
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Once we pulled our guys out, that entire area should have been cut into a smoking ruin in honor of those men.
      Too bad we can't do it that way.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
        Too bad we can't do it that way.
        Yes we can. We have the ability, we're just not allowed because politicians and generals are worried about optics. Every one of us in my basic training class had to know this story
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #19
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
          Every man involved is a hero. Davbrucas we appreciate your service that day, you are an example for all of us even though you are too humble to ever admit it.
          This times a billion.

          I was five months in the service at the time, and wanted some serious payback for what those animals did to our guys.
          "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


          • #20
            Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
            I was a senior in HS when it happened. RIP
            I was born the month after it happened. And to all the soldiers out there. I appreciate the sacrifices you make and will never stop being thankful.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
              Yes we can. We have the ability, we're just not allowed because politicians and generals are worried about optics. Every one of us in my basic training class had to know this story
              That was my vaguely, generalized point.

              I know we have the weaponry to do it, but worldly PC is a bitch with a thorned whip.


              • #22
                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                This times a billion.

                I was five months in the service at the time, and wanted some serious payback for what those animals did to our guys.
                Yep especially when they dragged bodies thru the streets.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by JimD View Post
                  Yep especially when they dragged bodies thru the streets.
                  I can't watch that movie or several others because it triggers mania and rage.
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #24
                    I was still in Basic and AIT when all of that went down.. Didn't even hear about it til some time later.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                      Only movie I will ever admit to crying during. Gets me every time
                      It took me 5 tries to actually watch it.

                      I had been out of the Corps 18 months when this happened.


                      • #26

                        20 years today.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Strychnine View Post

                          20 years today.
                          Fine bump.

                          Bagram Afghanistan today, you could find troops running the Mogudishu mile. Full uniform, kit, helmet and weapon with full weight dummies being passed around in crowds.
                          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                          • #28
                            For anyone interested, there will be a Mogadishu Mile run in Irving this Saturday. Army chaplin Sgt. Jeff Struecker will be there along with a group of former Rangers will be in full gear for the run. I'll be there supporting my buddy, Spc. Ryan Lundeby, who's recently been honorably discharged and moved to Texas (for our gun laws).

                            MOGADISHU MILE MILITARY FITNESS COMPETITION The event culminates with the Mogadishu Mile. Each participant, bearing a 35lb rucksack, runs in unison around Queenslake. Stops along the way for water, rest, and to honor the fallen ensure all 19 heroes are remembered. This is more than just a race; it's an homage to bravery, a test of fortitude, and an act of unity. Gather your team and prepare to challenge yourselves while paying tribute to the truest heroes.
                            Originally posted by Jester
                            Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                            He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                            Originally posted by Denny
                            What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                            FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                            • #29
                              Heroes ... RIP.
                              Originally posted by davbrucas
                              I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                              Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                              You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                                Sorry newb, this story is old school classified...

                                More like "in crowed" classified cause I had no clue and i'm no newbie.

                                Thanks, Dave, we all owe you one

