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Deleware bans spanking.

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  • #16
    I'm glad these politicians are tackling these tough issues instead of the small stuff like jobs, the economy, and crime issues. I am sure all those unemployed and under employed people have been laying awake at night worried about who is spanking their kids....


    • #17
      Delaware is a shithole anyways.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
        I don't think I'll be spanking my boy until he is perhaps 3 years old but he should start puckering up those butt cheeks... because there will be a spanking at some point..
        You say that now. Just wait until the terrible twos kick in.


        • #19
          I rarely ever spank my kids. Only when one of them is mad and takes it out physically on the other. Both now know when I mean business and know not to call a bluff therefore it is not necessary to hit them. You swat the shit out of them early on, they'll come around. Of course, once they start getting smart in their later years I won't hesitate to introduce myself as their father once again.
          One of the big problems that has been going on for years now are kids living in single parent homes. A mother's spank can only be taken seriously for so long before a kid reaches adolescence and teenage years and then it's considered a big joke. If living with the father, usually they feel too guilty to properly discipline their kids or they beat the shit out of them for the same reason therefore a kid is going to rebel regardless. My parents divorced early on and I was total hell on my mother. Only thing that saved me was my own God given common sense. My brother on the other hand, not so much.


          • #20
            Well Shit. Hell I've nut checked my son. I don't like spanking my kids. I got the living Shit beat out of me as a kid And don't want mine to go thru that. BUT they get it when they need it. As much as I hate it. Made me cry once . I will say I've been blessed . I can count in one hand per kid how many times I've had to whoop them. They are great.

            " I look at people somtimes and think ......Really? Thats the sperm that won?"
            Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


            • #21
              they banned using your hand?
              Originally posted by Buzzo
              Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



              • #22
                Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Bill 234, sponsored by Delaware's Senate Majority Leader Patricia Blevins, asserts that when a "person recklessly or intentionally causes physical injury to a child through an act of abuse and/or neglect of such child" it is considered third degree child abuse and a class A misdemeanor.
                How was child abuse previously defined?
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                  One of the big problems that has been going on for years now are kids living in single parent homes. A mother's spank can only be taken seriously for so long before a kid reaches adolescence and teenage years and then it's considered a big joke. If living with the father, usually they feel too guilty to properly discipline their kids or they beat the shit out of them for the same reason therefore a kid is going to rebel regardless. My parents divorced early on and I was total hell on my mother. Only thing that saved me was my own God given common sense. My brother on the other hand, not so much.

                  While I won't deny the truth in there, I still think the biggest problem is kids that don't get spanked or disciplined at all. You know the parents I'm talking about. "Do you want to go to timeout? I'm going to call your father. 1.....2.....3..... I said stop", then not following through with any action. How the fuck do you expect them to react, when nothing follows '3'? This drives me nuts, and I see it everywhere I go.

                  As for the guilt/punishment factor for divorced parents, it's sad things are that way. I wish people were able to set petty differences aside, and come together to raise their kids. It's bullshit. My ex could call me with an issue, and I'd be there as quick as I could get there when it comes to discipline, even if I had to get on a plane and fly home. It's so much better when the kids see that regardless of the divorce, the parents are still unified when it comes to them, discipline, etc.
                  Originally posted by BradM
                  But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                  • #24
                    For those parents still together I do agree. Every single time I have swatted one of my kids in public I'd get the stink eye from the smarmy, milquetoast metrosexuals as if I had just caused traumatic bodily injury.

