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That ONE Annoying Guy at Work.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post

    Playing Halo on our off time, if he was getting slaughtered, he'd get up and shut the system off and say he tripped over the wires.
    Sounds like SlowLX in most vidja games we play, hahahah!

    I used to work with quite the pair.

    One, who i will call Nostrils, was a 23 year old mother of two kids, which she had when she was 15 and then 17. Did lots of coke, x, you name it. Now the company was formerly based in Lake Havasu AZ, which is party city. Now with having kids, a GED, and her only job ever being at the company , she thinks she is hot shit. To be honest, she admitted she wasnt a "salesperson", and she really DID know the product, but thats not enough. I winced every time she would snap a "No, we cant do that" or worse "No, we WONT do that" to a customer.

    Two, who i will call PruneJuice (or PJ for short) was a gray hair from Havasu who was so OCD and neurotic, she had to have EVERYTHING laid out exactly her way, or no way. She was so particular about her diet. If you can name a food, she can find a reason why not to eat it. This makes arranging company wide luncheons INCREDIBLY difficult. We arnt talking "oh she is a vegetarian" difficulty, but "she can only eat wheat harvested from the bowels of nicaragua that are BFE certified to be free of petacides" kind of crazy. No tomatos, no root vegatibles, almost all meat is right out unless prepared in very special conditions. PJ also had to wear black. ALWAYS black. She said it was "her personal branding". It would be 110 degrees, and she would wear black gloves,pants, blouse, and a scarf. Would not even come close to complying with Business-like attire, in a sales environment. Also, her daughter was over 350 pounds at age 15, and she was absolutely committed to having her either homeschooled, or in very VERY restrictive schools, schools which she specifically wanted to limit social access to other kids.

    Nostrils was in charge of a small sales team, until word got around that they were bringing in me, a veteran of the umbrella organization but not the company. Someone with a college degree, and sales experience. She had a limited window though in which she was going to be boss, and run the show while i learned the ropes, and she made it as difficult as possible for me. I'm talking getting all the worst assignments, and worst territories. I dont mind being the new guy and taking my lumps, but its REALLY not smart to do it to someone who will soon be your boss.

    I'm sorry, but you cant run a sales team, in which the structure fosters competition (rather than collaboration) and have one team member be in charge of the territories and accounts, cherry picking the good ones. Of course, if you are a mom who lost out on her youth by farting out kids, i guess you want to be a bit of a vengeful bitch.

    Couple that with PJ being overly territorial about accounts which she hadnt followed up with in years, and our own supervisor making it her mission to get her husband a job, rather than run her team, and you have a disaster. My boss could sell, but she honestly didnt ever really do her job, and it became a "girls club" . The other management became aware of the problem of their own accord, and had a meeting about it once they saw trouble brewing, but any action items to fix the situation were never implimented.

    Wasnt a big surprise that there was a huge "reorganization" not long after my round of layoffs happen, with the vast majority of upper management chopped....after they had chopped all us in a vain effort to save their own skins.

    Long story short : I'll take a polite racist lebanese farter over Nostrils and PJ.


    • #47
      Farting doesn't bother me. Crying to your boss because he played one song in the morning? You sound like a big bitch. Thank God I don't work with people like you. You are the type we run off.


      • #48
        This is all just silly. Sure, I get annoyed with some people's little quirks, but it doesn't ruin my day. I'm rather easy going in a professional environment until you a) do something stupid that fucks with my bottom line, or b) you repeatedly do things wrong, after being shown how to do it correctly (which takes more of my time, and thus affects my bottom line, or c) repeatedly don't follow directions. Stupid people annoy the shit out of me, but I blow it off pretty quickly.

        There is one person in my office, that does all of the above every day. She royally fucked up a $660,000 deal I had been designing and negotiating for months. The woman is over 50, and has been with our company for four years. It's a little past the end of the learning curve at this point. Farting, not shitting next to you, and seven minute of foreign music sounds like bliss compared to the above.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #49
          Is your "lab" an RV?


          • #50
            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
            This is all just silly. Sure, I get annoyed with some people's little quirks, but it doesn't ruin my day. I'm rather easy going in a professional environment until you a) do something stupid that fucks with my bottom line, or b) you repeatedly do things wrong, after being shown how to do it correctly (which takes more of my time, and thus affects my bottom line, or c) repeatedly don't follow directions. Stupid people annoy the shit out of me, but I blow it off pretty quickly.

            There is one person in my office, that does all of the above every day. She royally fucked up a $660,000 deal I had been designing and negotiating for months. The woman is over 50, and has been with our company for four years. It's a little past the end of the learning curve at this point. Farting, not shitting next to you, and seven minute of foreign music sounds like bliss compared to the above.
            They didn't shitcan her for that? WTFux!?


            • #51
              Things like this remind me that my job, the position I hold, and the freedom I have isn't half bad.


              • #52
                When I was younger & worked at a call center, I worked with this guy who would always stall. We would be slammed with calls & I would see this guy walking around (as if he was walking laps around the call center) kissing ass to the supervisors etc. If he got a call & some one asked for you, even if you were busy or what ever the case may be he was going to transfer the call. But when they asked for him, his reply was " Call control " and would disconnect. Guy would drop calls, lie to customers etc & we would have to finish his work. It lasted for about 4 months & then he got fired. Ironic we are really good friends now & laugh about it.


                • #53
                  Why don't you guys confront these people you have problems with? Most people that annoy you don't realize it. The only person that annoys me at work is a new team leader that never shuts his fucking trap, always has to put his 2 cents into every conversation. He gets a pass because I won't see him till January.
                  De Oppresso Liber.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                    They didn't shitcan her for that? WTFux!?
                    Nope. Cost of doing business. but you can bet your ass ill have to make up for it somewhere. She essentially handed over my playbook to the enemy. I raised twelve kinds of hell about it. Made some comments that made her cry. So I got yelled at and was told to apologize. I stood my ground and said I had nothing to apologize for, and I meant every word I said. They let it go, because they know what I did say was right, and that it was extremely mild compared to what I should have said. All because she's an idiot with her was so far up her fat ass , that she can't see daylight. If it was my decision, shed have been gone 47 months ago. Completely worthless.
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      Had this guy at Ft. Hood
                      The guy have a bagged s10? I bought a old datsun truck from a guy, think his name as Sean. His wife was a stripper, had a bunch of kids, some mixed and her family was all living in a 3 bedroom. Few of my friends from FT hood said he was a little whiney bitch.

                      Granted, that describes most at Ft Hood.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Redd View Post
                        The guy have a bagged s10? I bought a old datsun truck from a guy, think his name as Sean. His wife was a stripper, had a bunch of kids, some mixed and her family was all living in a 3 bedroom. Few of my friends from FT hood said he was a little whiney bitch.

                        Granted, that describes most at Ft Hood.
                        You'll find one of those whiney/shammer type in damn near every company in the military.


                        • #57
                          after reading some of these stories i'm glad i work on my own and just deal with machinery. they have personalities but not attitudes or feelings lol


                          • #58
                            Sounds to me like you need to meet him at a jack in da crack and settle y'all's differences.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Redd View Post
                              The guy have a bagged s10? I bought a old datsun truck from a guy, think his name as Sean. His wife was a stripper, had a bunch of kids, some mixed and her family was all living in a 3 bedroom. Few of my friends from FT hood said he was a little whiney bitch.

                              Granted, that describes most at Ft Hood.
                              I don't remember his first name but his last name was Gernant. Playing Halo or at the range we'd talk about 'throwing Gernants" instead of grenades. Pissed him off
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

