Had this guy at Ft. Hood that everyone ripped on. He was the classic "I know people so I won't be disciplined guy."
We would go out in the field and within 8 minutes tops, he'd 'roll his ankle' and cry and scream until he was sent back to the rear
He would sneak his phone into the field and answer it during ambushes with the ringer turned up and talk loudly to his bar rat wife who moved her entire 8 person family into his house before they got married. His wife would also threaten to leave him everytime we headed to the woodline and threaten to divorce him if he wasn't in by nightfall. He'd cry, complain and hurt himself until he was taken back.
At a grenade range kept trying to pull the pin on a grenade with his teeth
Playing Halo on our off time, if he was getting slaughtered, he'd get up and shut the system off and say he tripped over the wires.
Would routinely point loaded rifles at his own fire team while talking. Routinely resulted in an assbeating which got him sent back to the barracks.
Would buddy fuck everyone on MRE's and cherry pick from every pack in the box to make his own package, fucking everyone else over.
When we were going to NTC, he was due to get out as soon as we got back. He reenlisted for Hawaii to keep from going to Irwin with us, leaving a fire team a heavy gunner short
We would go out in the field and within 8 minutes tops, he'd 'roll his ankle' and cry and scream until he was sent back to the rear
He would sneak his phone into the field and answer it during ambushes with the ringer turned up and talk loudly to his bar rat wife who moved her entire 8 person family into his house before they got married. His wife would also threaten to leave him everytime we headed to the woodline and threaten to divorce him if he wasn't in by nightfall. He'd cry, complain and hurt himself until he was taken back.
At a grenade range kept trying to pull the pin on a grenade with his teeth
Playing Halo on our off time, if he was getting slaughtered, he'd get up and shut the system off and say he tripped over the wires.
Would routinely point loaded rifles at his own fire team while talking. Routinely resulted in an assbeating which got him sent back to the barracks.
Would buddy fuck everyone on MRE's and cherry pick from every pack in the box to make his own package, fucking everyone else over.
When we were going to NTC, he was due to get out as soon as we got back. He reenlisted for Hawaii to keep from going to Irwin with us, leaving a fire team a heavy gunner short