Good credit goes to people who are credit worthy. IF YOU HAVE EVEN CONSIDERED a title loan FOR ANY REASON you are not and never will be credit worthy.
A little harsh, but I agree with his point. Don't get a title loan to rebuild your credit. If something comes up you will get killed with interest charges. Then you may lose your car, have even worse credit, and be left with only the bike.
Become Disciplined. Get a credit card, use it in a disciplined manner (IE only for things you actually have the cash to buy), and pay it off every month. Save up and buy that bike cash. In my opinion you will appreciate that bike more a year from now having to work for it than you will using someone elses money to get it immediately.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
-Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson
I don't need a bike, correct. I already have 2. But I found one that I would like to have for a very good price. I do not generally have a lot of spare cash on hand because I put 26% of my gross earnings in to my 401k and spend the rest on fun things. I bought the Sentra from a friend for $8k and paid it off in 10 months without any reduction in 401k contribution amount. I make good money, I just don't have any credit. I could just pull a couple of Gs out of my 401k but that would take several days and I really do not want to do that anyway.
'95 GT
I fucked the Olsen twins before they were famous.
I don't need a bike, correct. I already have 2. But I found one that I would like to have for a very good price. I do not generally have a lot of spare cash on hand because I put 26% of my gross earnings in to my 401k and spend the rest on fun things. I bought the Sentra from a friend for $8k and paid it off in 10 months without any reduction in 401k contribution amount. I make good money, I just don't have any credit. I could just pull a couple of Gs out of my 401k but that would take several days and I really do not want to do that anyway.
Let's take a step back and look at this
You want to buy another bike and you make good money but can't pull enough to make $2800 in two weeks. You are 28 years old and do not have enough credit (you think) for a personal loan
What you really should be doing is trading that sentra in for a new car. I know it sounds stupid but the best thing you can do to build credit is to finance something
You bought a car in payments from a friend which did not build any credit (btw sentras sold for $12k brand new, I remember they were giving them away free if you purchased a new Titan for sticker price)
I can't say as far as priorities having 4 cars myself, but get your self a nice truck for 15k and you can haul the other bikes around. Title loans are just scams to get money from people, you are above that
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.