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If this was my kid, I'd let him rot in jail for a while!!!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by The King View Post
    We'll leave the rationalizing of your own hypocrisy to you, since you're so concerned with others lol, as well as any Back Porch wanna-be preaching. I personally don't worry about my posts in this forum, so why should you presume to do so, li'l preacher?
    I'm not so much concerned with you as an individual as I am with devout Christians and their behavior outside the Church. Additionally, I'm not passing judgement on you for calling people faggots or whatever else you say. I just wanted to know how that falls in line with your beliefs but it appears like an answer or some kind of explanation isn't forthcoming. You certainly don't owe me anything so feel free to continue lobbing insults.

    My God believes in calling others "dumbmotherfucker" on message boards so I have made him very happy. There's no hypocrisy.


    • #47
      That's jacked up, I hate this ganging up bullshit, and hitting a woman is never acceptable.

      I also think this couple is not as innocent and polite as the article states, sounds like they really pissed this group off. I bet they threw out some racial slurs or something like that. People generally do not riot for no reason, not saying it was justified though.


      • #48
        Originally posted by stinginstang View Post
        I'm not so much concerned with you as an individual as I am with devout Christians and their behavior outside the Church. Additionally, I'm not passing judgement on you for calling people faggots or whatever else you say. I just wanted to know how that falls in line with your beliefs but it appears like an answer or some kind of explanation isn't forthcoming. You certainly don't owe me anything so feel free to continue lobbing insults.

        My God believes in calling others "dumbmotherfucker" on message boards so I have made him very happy. There's no hypocrisy.
        The obsession you have with Christians and how they behave, or should behave in your eyes, is not unusual. As I have posted ad naueum on the Canadian site, few people are as obsessed with religion as those who profess to not believe in it. I still find that humorous after all this time, just like many of these threads, so carry on with doing your part to keep up that tradition.


        • #49
          Try going to a none ghetto movie theatre next time...just a thought


          • #50
            Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
            One thing I have learned in my old age is........If there is a 135 lb teenager shooting his mouth off to a 180-200 lb + man , saying he is going to kick some ass. You can bet he has at least 5 or more of his buddies with him to help him.

            There are strength in numbers no matter how much of badass you think you are. Sometimes it's better to analyze the situation and make an intelligent decision on what to do before you have all of them on you.

            A buddy of mine had six of them on him and one of them literally had my buddies finger in his mouth trying to chew his finger off while the other held and beat him. He got a few stitches that night .
            Agreed. If the situation is unavoidable, strike hard, painful, and deadly. Something about your buddy lying on the ground screaming in pain and/or dead makes the others think twice. A .45 should have the same effect, especially if you use it.


            • #51
              WTF...seriously. Her father is an idiot too. File a complaint for what? His little angel doing nothing wrong...

              Complaint filed against Marine.

              MANATEE -- A 14-year-old girl who was told to be quiet by a Marine and his wife on Christmas night at a local theater during a movie has filed a battery complaint with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.

              The Marine, Federico Freire. 27, denied the girl’s charge, and the sheriff’s office will not pursue the complaint, saying there were inconsistencies in the girl’s statement and that the case is closed.

              “We investigated the complaint, and there isn’t even enough there to send to the State Attorney’s Office,” said sheriff’s office spokesman Dave Bristow.

              Brittnee Collins, of Bradenton, filed a complaint Tuesday stating she was struck in the lip by an unknown man outside the Carmike Royal Palm 20 theater after words were exchanged with Freire’s wife, according to the sheriff’s office report.

              Collins depicted a slightly different version of events after Freire, who is on a two-week leave from Afghanistan, and his wife, Kayln, went public with their story.

              Collins said in an interview with the Bradenton Herald on Wednesday that Freire and his wife were viewing the movie while she and her younger family members were getting up and down to get snacks.

              Collins, who was sitting in front of Freire, said Freire told the youths to shut up, and then told one of the juveniles he has was going to slit her throat.

              “That’s when, I’m like, you don’t need to talk to her like that. She’s young,” Collins said.

              Kayln Freire went to get the manager and the row of juveniles was subsequently kicked out of the theater. The teens contacted parents outside for a ride.

              Collins said while waiting, Freire and his wife passed them.

              “I don’t know what she said,” Collins said.

              Collins then followed Kayln Freire and said, “‘Did you say something to me because I didn’t say anything to you.’ She gets in my face. She’s telling me that if I touch her she’s going to whoop my (butt).”

              At that point Freire comes to get his wife and leaves.

              Collins said Freire approached her in an aggressive manner and she closed her eyes.

              “I just knew he was going to hit me,” she said.

              She said 15-year-old twin brothers then struck the couple in her defense.

              Collins said her father and uncle attempted to tell deputies about the incident, but a deputy responded by telling them they were going to jail.

              In all, five people were arrested in connection with the fracas. Collins and none of her family members were arrested.

              “They weren’t talking to us,” Collins said when asked why they didn’t report Freire’s alleged actions sooner. “They arrested the boys who hit him because he had hit me and that’s just the way it went. And then we left because other fights started breaking out.”

              Freire described the allegations as “completely false.”

              “I just grabbed my wife with both arms and pulled her out of harm’s way,” he said. “If she wants to file false charges, she can bring it. There were plenty of witnesses.”

              A deputy noted there was no bruising on Collins’ lip when the report was filed Tuesday.

              Bristow said the girl’s complaint will be closed out because there’s not enough evidence to support a charge.

              ”At this point, it will be a closed case,” he said. “We talked to the girl and the stories are a little inconsistent. ... The girl said her eyes were closed. It doesn’t add up. Someone may have bumped into her or something like that. We don’t have any evidence that someone came up and punched her.”

              Bristow also noted that there were a total of 10 moviegoers from the theater that night who complained about the group of teens.

              Collins’ father, Leon Collins, said he plans to file a complaint with Florida Department of Law Enforcement and schedule a rally at the sheriff’s office.

              In the meantime, the story has garnered calls from national media outlets. Freire said he and his wife have been bombarded with calls from the press.

              “It’s becoming aggravating,” he said. “We’re just trying to enjoy what little time we have left.”

              Read more:
              Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!


              • #52
                Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                Agreed. If the situation is unavoidable, strike hard, painful, and deadly. Something about your buddy lying on the ground screaming in pain and/or dead makes the others think twice. A .45 should have the same effect, especially if you use it.

                I will say when the bouncers started getting the guys off him , he did manage to sink his thumb as deep in the kids eye socket as he could before the kid let go.


                • #53
                  WTF is with these people and rallies? Stupidmotherfuckers.
                  "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by 88Kaufmann View Post
                    And then the bystanders would get charged with assaulting minors....

                    A no win situation, and the little (or maybe not so little) assholes know it....

                    Goes along with the idiot hocking a loogie on the floor at the Movie Trading Company last night...

                    no respect, no consequences....
                    Assault on a minor has it's boundaries. Being punched and intimidated by hundreds of them is one of them.
                    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Bputacoma View Post
                      WTF...seriously. Her father is an idiot too. File a complaint for what? His little angel doing nothing wrong...

                      Complaint filed against Marine.
                      Collins’ father, Leon Collins, said he plans to file a complaint with Florida Department of Law Enforcement and schedule a rally at the sheriff’s office.
                      Lazy, no working bitches have protests.

