He's in a fucking wheelchair, Matt, and he's only got one arm. Wielding a Bic pen... how "out of control" can he be? He gonna write an inflammatory letter to the HPD? He gonna graffiti a wall with his signature? Is he gonna write "FTP" on the door?
Guy goes outta control, someone calls the cops, police end up shooting the guy and the people who call the cops say the cops did the wrong thing.
Solution? Don't call. Take care of the problem yourself.
Wow. This cant really be your view.... Dude shoots a guy with one arm and oneleg, in a wheelchair, in a care facilit, and you brush it off as ungrateful citizens!?
Seriously, man. Take a step back and evaluate your views, and how vastly different they are from the public that pays you to serve them.
Or solution: Cops should second guess pulling out the boom stick. If you can put a foot on a wheel and stop the guy in his tracks, he's not a threat. Or hell, have a guy come around and lock his wheel on the side without an arm. He can only go in circles. I was fucking with a Marine with no legs while we were drinking and I propped his axle up and he couldn't move because the wheels didn't touch the ground.
The solution should be: Cops are paid for by the public. They should actually....serve and protect.
He's in a fucking wheelchair, Matt, and he's only got one arm. Wielding a Bic pen... how "out of control" can he be? He gonna write an inflammatory letter to the HPD? He gonna graffiti a wall with his signature? Is he gonna write "FTP" on the door?
Wow. This cant really be your view.... Dude shoots a guy with one arm and oneleg, in a wheelchair, in a care facilit, and you brush it off as ungrateful citizens!?
Seriously, man. Take a step back and evaluate your views, and how vastly different they are from the public that pays you to serve them.
I wasn't there so I'll hold my thoughts on the shoulda, coulda and woulda. However, a simple google search revealed several incidents of people being stabbed with pens. At least one fatalality involving a Naval officer.
I will say that we have a wheelchair bound homeless man that rolls with a large folding knife under his legs. Every time we deal with him it's there.
I'm not saying the officers did right or wrong bits it's not always as black and white as the media reports.
He's in a fucking wheelchair, Matt, and he's only got one arm. Wielding a Bic pen... how "out of control" can he be? He gonna write an inflammatory letter to the HPD? He gonna graffiti a wall with his signature? Is he gonna write "FTP" on the door?
The point I am trying to make is with all the uncertainties of what kind of response you will get, you are definately taking a risk by making the call. As much as people gripe about poor service, why call when you have no idea what kind of officer with what attitude, what level of training, and with what disposition, ethics, etc.
You are not going to get a trained robot with a guaranteed outcome that is what you want.
And another point, why the hell would someone call the police for someone wheelchair bound?
Is a facility so unprepared to deal with people that they have to call 911? Either the guy was a real threat, or they over-reacted by calling police, then the police over-reacted.
Again, I don't have all the answers because I wasn't there, but there is something here that doesn't add up.
Wow. This cant really be your view.... Dude shoots a guy with one arm and oneleg, in a wheelchair, in a care facilit, and you brush it off as ungrateful citizens!?
Seriously, man. Take a step back and evaluate your views, and how vastly different they are from the public that pays you to serve them.
Sounds like you judged me before you had all the facts.
Simmer down there partner, you just need more info.
There is no scenario that justifies use of deadly force in this situation. Heck, you guys are tazer happy...why not just taze the fucker? Just because you can legally kill someone doesnt mean you should.
There is no scenario that justifies use of deadly force in this situation. Heck, you guys are tazer happy...why not just taze the fucker? Just because you can legally kill someone doesnt mean you should.
This is what you get when you get a poorly trained officer with a lack of self confidence/ethics/ (fill in the blank quality here)......
Or, who knows, it might have been due to issues from this incident: Houston police records indicate that Marin also fatally shot a suspect in 2009. Investigators at the time said Marin came upon a man stabbing his neighbor to death at an apartment complex and opened fired when the suspect refused to drop the knife.
There is no scenario that justifies use of deadly force in this situation. Heck, you guys are tazer happy...why not just taze the fucker? Just because you can legally kill someone doesnt mean you should.
And there have been so many Taser revisions, we now are supposed to shoot in the back to avoid the cardiac area due to all the flak about it causing heart issues.
We can't use it on the elderly, pregnant, young, and those with health issues.
It is about to the point where we have to call a time out, have them complete a medical survey, and then call time in and go into action.
With this guy having obvious medical and mental issues, I doubt the officer could have been in policy to use taser.