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supporting the troops
Originally posted by 89gt-stanger View PostIt is that they were surprised someone noticed they served the country and showed that they appreciate it. It is rare to find people who will show their appreciation, if they have any.
Originally posted by whitetrash View PostI'm not bragging about anything. I'm questioning the 30 or so people around them all basically with their back to them and keeping distance. And why a soldier was surprised to have a nice gesture made to them.
So don't be a dick, dick.
Here's how I see don't know how many ACTUAL good deeds the people around them have done. They may have really helped...not just fueled intoxication. But instead you judged 30 people as if they never helped a soldier while patting yourself on the back in a public thread about buying a beer.
Maybe I just misjudged you like you did to an entire bar...?
Sigh."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
The last soldier I saw I just gave my entire paycheck. He seemed shocked, but a nice kid, so I gave him my wife's paycheck as well. I'm better than all you fuckers.Originally posted by davbrucasI want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostIt is not that must not hang out with many service men. And secondly, they act surprised out of you expect them to be like "oh cool this happens all the time...". I have several friends in the service, and have seen them get free drinks plenty of times.
Do you want all 30 people to stop and gawk at them while buying them enough drinks to binge themselves to death? Again they act surprised out of thanks.
Here's how I see don't know how many ACTUAL good deeds the people around them have done. They may have really helped...not just fueled intoxication. But instead you judged 30 people as if they never helped a soldier while patting yourself on the back in a public thread about buying a beer.
Maybe I just misjudged you like you did to an entire bar...?07 f250-family truckster
08 Denali -baby hauler
52 f1-rust bucket
05 Jeep tj. Buggy
livin the double-wide dream
It's a sine wave of support. In Texas and other pro military states it is always positive. Other places luke warm seems like the right phrase. I spend a lot of time in airports and watch how troops get treated. Like Mr the Hamster said, where there is more military they don't garner as much attention. Everyone wants to support the troops but in an overly saturated place I can see how that gets old or overwhelming to those trying to do everything. But bless them all for trying.
God damn, Ruffdaddy, does it ever tire being that guy?
I'll speak from personal experience, that it depends on where I am. Most cities/towns that have a major military post (i.e. a division stationed there), you get much less outward appreciation. Smaller military towns or non-military cities, I tend to get a lot more appreciation while in uniform.
I'm stationed at Bliss with well over a division, so while you still get some thanks here and there, it's not near as much as if I'm walking around in uniform in DFW. I did buy a WW2 vet a beer a couple weeks back (he had the hat, so hopefully I wasn't conned) but he was so surprised by it that he couldn't stop smiling at me. It actually kinda creeped me out...
It depends where you are at. When I got back to Texas a couple years ago it was almost culture shock when people would buy me drinks or whatever for being a Marine. When I was in California that sort of thing never happened. In fact it was quite the opposite, there were a few times we would go out and be treated rudely. It is always a surprise when people do that IMO and certainly a nice gesture. I'm always sure to thank them for their support and usually shoot the shit with them for a bit.
It's a bit interesting up here, we have a major training base for the AF and the airmen don't really get a lot of praise. I've personally been more prone to stop and talk to the older guys than any of the newbs in there dress blues. The NATO pilots in for training are neat to talk to as well (if they converse in english well) since several bring some nice exotic cars with them. Marine and Army soldiers aren't around much but all seem very humble compared to the young people just out of basic."It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostIt actually is pretty rare. I think I've been bought one beer in uniform and had to refuse it because I was ... in uniform. However I have had a couple of people on here offer which is absolutely humbling.
Originally posted by aCid View PostI've seen a bunch of Army dudes drinking up a storm in uniform.
Nicest things that have happened to me:
1)Drove from Fayetteville, NC to St Loius, MO to Dallas and while driving through Oklahoma I got pulled over by a state trooper, around 15mph over. I gave him all the required stuff plus my military ID and he came back 5 minutes later and told me his rookie needed radio practice and have a nice day.
2)While going through AIT in El Paso, 3 buddies and I went to a decent mexican joint and racked up quite a bill. When it came time to pay up, the waitress told me an old couple paid for it before they left.
3) Flew into Raleigh, was going to rent a car and drive to Fayetteville. Only problem was they were out of rental cars. No problem take a bus for $50 bucks, but after checking my bank account I had no money. Went to the USO and they asked people if they were heading to Fayetteville. Finally a couple and their son gave me the 1 hr 1/2 ride to base and gave me $20 and wished me luck. I kept his business card for about 4 years and last April I showed up one day but the husband wasn't there. I tried to give his wife the $20 but she wouldn't have it.
Originally posted by aCid View PostI've seen a bunch of Army dudes drinking up a storm in uniform.De Oppresso Liber.
At a place called redneck heaven, I figured everyone there would be on their knees kissing their ass, especially if a toby Keith song came on. A few family members joined the military after high school and an older cousin joined about two years ago, I have to remind him all the time that he's still a bitch.....bro....