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What to do?

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  • What to do?

    just got off the phone with my boss (where i work as a contractor) and he told me they want to hire some more techs and his bosses threw my name out there, the thing is im currently in school trying to pursue a career i have been wanting to do for a long time and have 4 months left in school. They would want to hire me either by the end of the month or beginning of next month..

    Originally posted by DOHCTR
    You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!

  • #2
    I would have talked about your schooling needs with the bosses to see if they can accommodate it.


    • #3
      Money talks. A good job now might be worth putting your education on hold. There's a lot of BA's out there looking for work.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
        I would have talked about your schooling needs with the bosses to see if they can accommodate it.
        thats what my boss told his bosses but since this company always waits till the last min and then tries to do things in a rush they are stuck

        Originally posted by DOHCTR
        You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
          Money talks. A good job now might be worth putting your education on hold. There's a lot of BA's out there looking for work.
          true money talks but at what put what you want to do on the back burner and make the money now, especially since i have been trying to pursue the career for the past 4 years

          Originally posted by DOHCTR
          You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


          • #6
            if you are comfortable with you position now i wouldnt go for it. however as said above money talks. if they offer the right number of zeros its hard to argue.
            07 f250-family truckster
            08 Denali -baby hauler
            52 f1-rust bucket
            05 Jeep tj. Buggy
            livin the double-wide dream


            • #7
              i am happy with my current position but somethings i would get if i were to take the position would be full (free) benefits, a company truck, 401k, vacation time ect.... now if i dont work i dont get paid

              Originally posted by DOHCTR
              You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


              • #8
                i guess my question is how long do u pursue something before u just say F it and take any job u can get

                Originally posted by DOHCTR
                You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bonnie&clyde View Post
                  i am happy with my current position but somethings i would get if i were to take the position would be full (free) benefits, a company truck, 401k, vacation time ect.... now if i dont work i dont get paid
                  my gf went through the same thing before her current job. going to school and working. but when she weighed the perks of the current job and continuing school or that position, the job won
                  07 f250-family truckster
                  08 Denali -baby hauler
                  52 f1-rust bucket
                  05 Jeep tj. Buggy
                  livin the double-wide dream


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bonnie&clyde View Post
                    i guess my question is how long do u pursue something before u just say F it and take any job u can get
                    Risk vs. Rewards. If your dream career is a life-long passion, eat Ramen noodles until you get there. If they're offering you a solid career-type job, I would consider it while finishing up your education. If you're that close, surely you could get it done part-time.


                    • #11
                      well im currently in a police academy, i cant just quit or do it part time, the money is not an option. going to school and only working weekends still brings in plenty for me to provide for my family, the only reason that i dont just take the job is because i dont know how long its for, with new technology a techs job is numbered, it could be 2 years, it could be 20 years

                      Originally posted by DOHCTR
                      You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


                      • #12
                        I would build a multi-period discounted cash flow model and analyze the results but, of course, that's just me.
                        Originally posted by davbrucas
                        I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                        Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                        You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bonnie&clyde View Post
                          well im currently in a police academy, i cant just quit or do it part time, the money is not an option. going to school and only working weekends still brings in plenty for me to provide for my family, the only reason that i dont just take the job is because i dont know how long its for, with new technology a techs job is numbered, it could be 2 years, it could be 20 years
                          You should be trying out for different police departments to try and get hired. Then let them pay you to go to the academy. I got hired and they paid for everything, even my fucking socks.


                          • #14
                            They don't pay worth shit go with the job now. A good friend of mine thought the same way he wanted to be a cop. He got hired on at the sheriff's dept. and he has been there 2 years and hates it with a passion and is about to go back to mechanic work for the dealership


                            • #15
                              im not doing it for the pay, if thats the reason u friend got into it then the was wrong from the get go

                              Originally posted by DOHCTR
                              You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!

