It was about the 2nd through the 4th or 5th inning.
Left field bleachers outside section 236 or 237.
Initially the bathroom was empty, but soon I noticed 2 sets of legs in a stall. I pointed it out to a few people . . . more and more people started to notice and some must have told others who were not in the bathroom, who showed up just to see this. The story gained some legs and in a matter of minutes a rather large crowd had developed. It must be noted that a couple of the on-lookers were stadium employees. I found a little irony in it . . . they weren't security personnel but they were equipped with walkie-talkies. Thought it was amusing that they should probably be using one of those walkie-talkies to call someone to do something about it . . . no one wants to blow the whistle on something as epic as this!!!
Seems impossible to me, but the couple appeared to be oblivious to the surrounding crowd / on-lookers / amateur photographers. At one point, there was a brief time where people were legitimately jockeying for position outside the stall to take pics either over or under, and even standing up on the toilet bowl on the neighboring stall ie . . the video I have
The beginning of the end was when one on-looker screamed out "Make that bitch scream." The couple finally realized they were being watched . . . there were a few words exchanged b/w an onlooker and the porn star . . . they both told each other to go fuck themsevles . . the onlooker eventually banged on the door and told the porn star he'll fuck him up. Nothing materialized from it though. Amazingly enough the couple actually still went at it for a few more minutes afterward. At that point stadium employes had alerted security.
Left field bleachers outside section 236 or 237.
Initially the bathroom was empty, but soon I noticed 2 sets of legs in a stall. I pointed it out to a few people . . . more and more people started to notice and some must have told others who were not in the bathroom, who showed up just to see this. The story gained some legs and in a matter of minutes a rather large crowd had developed. It must be noted that a couple of the on-lookers were stadium employees. I found a little irony in it . . . they weren't security personnel but they were equipped with walkie-talkies. Thought it was amusing that they should probably be using one of those walkie-talkies to call someone to do something about it . . . no one wants to blow the whistle on something as epic as this!!!
Seems impossible to me, but the couple appeared to be oblivious to the surrounding crowd / on-lookers / amateur photographers. At one point, there was a brief time where people were legitimately jockeying for position outside the stall to take pics either over or under, and even standing up on the toilet bowl on the neighboring stall ie . . the video I have

The beginning of the end was when one on-looker screamed out "Make that bitch scream." The couple finally realized they were being watched . . . there were a few words exchanged b/w an onlooker and the porn star . . . they both told each other to go fuck themsevles . . the onlooker eventually banged on the door and told the porn star he'll fuck him up. Nothing materialized from it though. Amazingly enough the couple actually still went at it for a few more minutes afterward. At that point stadium employes had alerted security.