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Texas Police Kill Unarmed Man Before Confiscating Witness Camera and Deleting Images

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Because doctors and burger flippers and military can box you in and shoot you and then destroy the evidence. When was the last time you heard of Ronald McDonald dumping 41 rounds into a car and seizing private property to destroy evidence of wrong doing? When was the last time you heard of a team of infantrymen entering a house in the States and opening fire on family pets?

    If you have reports, I'd love to read them. Do love the attempt at relativism though. Doesn't work. Cops are given massive amounts of authority and privilege and protections that average Americans do not have. You actually are surprised when a citizen wants those who are given all of that held responsible for fucking it up?
    Gee, I don't know about examples like you're asking...

    Virginia Tech
    Fort Hood

    You need any more examples of people killing Americans? Law Enforcement deaths attribute to a minute percentage of premature deaths in this country. I'd be willing to bet drunk drivers kill more people in one year than police officers kill in 10.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
      Especially the part where 03bluballsgt is as dumb as a fucking chicken
      And "Theeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrre's Johnny!"

      Or little bitch Alan squaking from his keyboard. If you want to start with the insults, you can shut the fuck up.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
        That's ridiculous logic, police should be held to the highest standards because we are forced to trust them with our welfare.

        If that guy did this to a family member of mine, I would drag him to death behind my truck.
        So if the courts don't find justice, hopefully justice finds him.

        How do you propose to weed out those that are going to fuck up?

        When you find the answer, please let me know so I can patent the process and make a few million bucks.

        If you think standards are too lax, then by all means try to get them changed. It's absurd that the standards have to be as low as they are, but there's a thing called "diversity" that makes the standards what they are.


        • #34
          Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
          Gee, I don't know about examples like you're asking...

          Virginia Tech
          Fort Hood

          You need any more examples of people killing Americans? Law Enforcement deaths attribute to a minute percentage of premature deaths in this country. I'd be willing to bet drunk drivers kill more people in one year than police officers kill in 10.
          Ooh I get to play with this: Were any of those done by a burger flipper in the course of flipping burgers? Nope. Do you really want to compare Americans killed by soldiers on US soil against Americans killed by cops?

          I am very ready for that discussion if you are. This 'officer' was acting as an officer and dumped 41 rounds, had to reload at least once, into a car and confiscated a camera and deleted the video and pictures. As a cop. Not as a vigilante, not off duty, as a cop. Wearing the uniform, in the squad car, commanding the authority given to a cop.

          Your turn Scooter. Also, we arrest drunk drivers and fine them heavily for their offenses. We also imprison them when they are caught doing the illegal action. For this to be equivalent, the officer, when he opened fire and stole the camera, should have been cuffed, put in a squad car, tested for drugs and then locked up pending a hearing. That wasn't done now was it?
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #35
            The idiot shouldn't have run...but, the cop should get prison time for 2nd degree murder.


            • #36
              Thats Garland!

              They were alot worse when i was in highschool. The baddest Gang was GPD!


              • #37
                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                The officer's agency is already conducting an internal investigation, his badge and gun have been taken and the Mesquite PD is conducting a criminal investigation.

                What else do you want?
                Are you Capt save a pig? You wonder why these guys pick on you so much.


                • #38
                  [Whiteboy] Fukc teh polcie [/whiteboy]


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    The officer's agency is already conducting an internal investigation, his badge and gun have been taken and the Mesquite PD is conducting a criminal investigation.

                    What else do you want?
                    Proper police training, and hopefully law enforcement agencies that have the ability to tell if they have a loose cannon on their hands. If You havee a business and employees, you can get a sense of who knows what they are doingmand who is shady. Someone above this guys pay grade was not doing their job.
                    Detailing by Dylan
                    Ask about the Pre-Spring special


                    • #40
                      On a side note, been gone 3 months and come back and Fred is back. Good to see you Prez
                      I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible,

                      but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        Dafuq? We can spell out fuck here, we don't need to be teenage girls who spell things fucked up just to seem cool.
                        Is that all you have to say ? I doubt it, but bravo for you anywayz. The "z" on the end was special just for you, btw.
                        Vortex rear stand $75
                        8.8 410s. $50

                        **SKAGG NASTY**
                        My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
                        but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"

                        1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
                        11 4 door
                        13 FX2 White 5.0


                        • #42
                          This arguement is pretty pointless, the cop in question was prior military, hows that for pissing in your cheerios.
                          "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

                          FFL & LTC Instructor
                          Factory Five MK4 Cobra
                          Build thread-


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 01yz2nv View Post
                            This arguement is pretty pointless, the cop in question was prior military, hows that for pissing in your cheerios.
                            Pretty good actually. The military trains killers.

                            Who knew?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              Ooh I get to play with this: Were any of those done by a burger flipper in the course of flipping burgers? Nope. Do you really want to compare Americans killed by soldiers on US soil against Americans killed by cops?

                              I am very ready for that discussion if you are. This 'officer' was acting as an officer and dumped 41 rounds, had to reload at least once, into a car and confiscated a camera and deleted the video and pictures. As a cop. Not as a vigilante, not off duty, as a cop. Wearing the uniform, in the squad car, commanding the authority given to a cop.

                              Your turn Scooter. Also, we arrest drunk drivers and fine them heavily for their offenses. We also imprison them when they are caught doing the illegal action. For this to be equivalent, the officer, when he opened fire and stole the camera, should have been cuffed, put in a squad car, tested for drugs and then locked up pending a hearing. That wasn't done now was it?
                              Cops fuck up too. It's no secret. The stats of non-cops committing offenses are far less than that of the general public.

                              What kind of fine is just compensation for killing someone?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
                                Are you Capt save a pig? You wonder why these guys pick on you so much.

                                Fuck off. You really think that I worry about a couple of punk keyboard wannabe assassins picking on me?

