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  • #91
    Originally posted by Steve View Post
    No thanks, I'm a pacifist.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Steve View Post
      Cute, you're very good at walking the line, I'll give you that. All that means is that you have an out if called on it yourself.
      It's all good. I expect to get some shit in return for the shit I dish out...but what I do is no different than any other JBT on here...including you. So jump on down from your pulpit. It is unbecoming of you.


      • #93
        Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
        His self-worth is based on his skills on the mat.
        Hell no, I'm too self loathing from passing by a mirror catching a glimpse of myself. Angered that I can't go out in public in fear the awesomeness of Dr.Dave and offending him. All the fight stuff is pure internet rumor stuff, none of it is true. I couldn't kick my own ass.


        • #94
          This thread fucking sucks out loud, but is partially saved by the tags...


          • #95
            Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino View Post
            I wouldn't expect you to understand it, Steve. Or maybe you do but you're just playing the instigating retard in his absence?You wouldn't dare say that to his face, would you?!?There is a difference. The majority of his posts are personal insults and he just doesn't know when to shut it off.
            Maybe so...I dont get involved with many of those threads as they are taxing on the mind. You guys should take the steering wheel out of his back.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Jimbo View Post
              I'd tell you how I would do it from the comfort of my E-Z Boy Chair, but thats been done to death around here. I'll just throw brownies at you.


              • #97
                Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                It's all good. I expect to get some shit in return for the shit I dish out...but what I do is no different than any other JBT on here...including you. So jump on down from your pulpit. It is unbecoming of you.
                Jump down?! *gasp* Are you implying that I would ever put myself about the great Dr.Dave?! Not possible. I'm a fat guy, I'm a lesser human. Just not possible.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Steve View Post
                  I'd tell you how I would do it from the comfort of my E-Z Boy Chair, but thats been done to death around here. I'll just throw brownies at you.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Steve View Post
                    Hell no, I'm too self loathing from passing by a mirror catching a glimpse of myself. Angered that I can't go out in public in fear the awesomeness of Dr.Dave and offending him. All the fight stuff is pure internet rumor stuff, none of it is true. I couldn't kick my own ass.
           I see it for what it is. You are jealous of my success and dashing good looks and internet suave so you would like nothing more than to pound my face in to feel better about yourself! Give me 6mos to heal my knee and get back on the mat and I will give you that chance, Gorge...errr...George St Steve.


                    • Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
             I see it for what it is. You are jealous of my success and dashing good looks and internet suave so you would like nothing more than to pound my face in to feel better about yourself! Give me 6mos to heal my knee and get back on the mat and I will give you that chance, Gorge...errr...George St Steve.

                      Fuck. You figured me out. I'm not worthy of a shot at your title. As I said, it's my internet persona, none of the rumors about fighting are true. I wouldn't even know how to approach one without my keyboard.


                      • Self-deprication is a character flaw and unbecoming of a badass like you.


                        • Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                          Self-deprication is a character flaw and unbecoming of a badass like you.
                          Well, I'm full of flaws, unlike the great Dr.Dave. And certainly no badass. You outted me, and I'm agreeing with you. You win. It's all a bluff, I'm no badass. I mean seriously, come on, look at me. I'm fat, lazy, I make you sick at the sight of me etc. Fighters are none of those things.

                          Alistar Overeem = badass

                          Steve a.k.a Pillsbury Doughboy, Gerber Baby = not so much.

                          I will admit some slight skill with a keyboard, you should see what I can do with a space bar key.


                          • Steve is right. If milk didn't say anything about me this thread wouldn't be 3 pages long.
                            2010 F-350 6.4L SRW CC 4X4

                            Spartan tunes, 5 inch flo-pro, 4 inch down pipe, cold side piping, AFE stage 2 CAI, EGR delete, Air Dog II

                            2012 Mustang 5.0 GT Stock........for now.


                            • A part of you is okay with being fat because it makes you unique in that if someone doesnt like your appearance, you can beat their ass. For someone that proclaims to be a BJJ badass, you sure have an inferiority complex. Self-worth shouldnt be based on how well you fight or how much money you make or what you look like. I believe is should be based on how good of a husband and father you are...and I have no doubt that you are good at both of those...based on the times when you are level headed and serious on here.


                              • Originally posted by Badass2000GT View Post
                                Steve is right. If milk didn't say anything about me this thread wouldn't be 3 pages long.
                                The thread is 3 pages long because Steve needs to beat his chest at those that arent impressed with his fighting skills.

