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  • More bad news

    My great aunt who is 88 years old suffered a major heart attack which caused a stroke. That left her throat paralyzed and she can't swallow or really talk. Due to her having a living will that called for no feeding tubes and do not reuscitate the doctors and some family members felt it was better to send her home with hospice. The first two days she was unresponsive, but my wife and I just got back from seeing her and she was awake the entire time. When we walked into the room she smiled at us and lifted her hand to motion us to come over to her. She managed to say Love you. The hardest part is seeing my great uncle who is 90 years old and fought in WWII and two tours in Korea break down. This man was a marine for 30 years and all he could keep saying was he's loved that woman for 67 years and he doesn't know what to do without her. He stays by her side day and night and probably hasn't slept more than 2 hrs at a time in the last 4 days. It breaks your heart to see that kind of love.

    He's insisting that she go back to the hospital to get reevaulated, but his 3 children are fighting him tooth and nail. I'm on his side though. I mean how can she get better if she doesn't eat. I understand she'd never be 100% like she was, but if she doesn't get some nutrients in her soon she will die of starvation. It's a crappy situation and I just hate to see her suffer. Even though she can't really talk you can tell her mind still works somewhat. The really sad thing is I believe that if my aunt passes away my uncle will die within a matter of months. He will lose the will to live without her. He's in good health otherwise and told me a month ago at his 90th bday that he feels just like he did when he was 60.

  • #2
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, it's rough watching a loved one deteriorate in front of you, it has to be even tougher seeing your uncle suffer like that.
    "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


    • #3
      Her will, her choice.

      Sucks, but when its time to go we should all have a right that our individual wishes supercede all others.


      • #4
        Sorry to hear, but if she has a living will and a DNR, that will be difficult to overcome.

        Good luck.
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