As many of you know, my brothers wish was to not be left on life support and a decision was made Christmas day to pull all support the day after Christmas. He was terminal and his body was shutting down a little more each day. There was just no hope for him to ever be off life support and live.
As we all gathered at the hospital Sunday, the day after Christmas, we all sat and told stories about life with Benton. Some I didn't know and others I have heard what seems like a hundred times. Sometimes laughing and other times we'd cry. No one there had gone without tears as we sat and waited for the time to pull his support.
Benton hadn't been conscience for two days and so we knew in our hearts that we had said all we could to him days before. Several if not all of us wished we could have said something to him..."I love you, you have been a great inspiration in my life", etc. Time just kept ticking on.
Just about 30 minutes or so before we pulled the plugs, Benton awoke. In a moments time the waiting room emptied and we all gathered into his room in ICU. Everyone went up to his side and said our goodbyes the best we knew how. He would point at each of us when we got to his side and then pointed to his heart. He was saying to us, "I love you."
I walked up to his side and took his hand and held it cupped in both my hands. I looked him in his eyes and no words would come out of my mouth. All I could do was look at him as my eyes filled with tears. When I let go of his hand he gestured with his hands to hug me. I have never been in such a place in my life. The most heart breaking moment of my life.
As each of us finished our goodbyes, we left mom and dad, his son Ryan and big brother Benny along with Benton,s wife to see him off. At about 4:30 he was let go and Benny came and told us a few minutes later that Benton was gone.
A quote from Benton's facebook;
well i am tremminal and just live life the best i can before the good Lord decides to take me home . life is great in whatever is thrown my way sometimes bad sometimes good but just thank GOD for whatever you have because it can be easily taken from you at a moments notice

As we all gathered at the hospital Sunday, the day after Christmas, we all sat and told stories about life with Benton. Some I didn't know and others I have heard what seems like a hundred times. Sometimes laughing and other times we'd cry. No one there had gone without tears as we sat and waited for the time to pull his support.
Benton hadn't been conscience for two days and so we knew in our hearts that we had said all we could to him days before. Several if not all of us wished we could have said something to him..."I love you, you have been a great inspiration in my life", etc. Time just kept ticking on.
Just about 30 minutes or so before we pulled the plugs, Benton awoke. In a moments time the waiting room emptied and we all gathered into his room in ICU. Everyone went up to his side and said our goodbyes the best we knew how. He would point at each of us when we got to his side and then pointed to his heart. He was saying to us, "I love you."
I walked up to his side and took his hand and held it cupped in both my hands. I looked him in his eyes and no words would come out of my mouth. All I could do was look at him as my eyes filled with tears. When I let go of his hand he gestured with his hands to hug me. I have never been in such a place in my life. The most heart breaking moment of my life.
As each of us finished our goodbyes, we left mom and dad, his son Ryan and big brother Benny along with Benton,s wife to see him off. At about 4:30 he was let go and Benny came and told us a few minutes later that Benton was gone.
A quote from Benton's facebook;
well i am tremminal and just live life the best i can before the good Lord decides to take me home . life is great in whatever is thrown my way sometimes bad sometimes good but just thank GOD for whatever you have because it can be easily taken from you at a moments notice
