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Steel reserve...

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  • #16
    That shit has embalming fluid in it lol


    • #17
      Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
      I haven't even attempted to drink one since high school. That shit is awful. I do have some good (and fuzzy) memories of some of those nights though lol.
      There is a long list of liquids you couldn't pay me to drink now - that gave me "some good (and fuzzy) memories" in highschool. The Stroh's brewery was still open so anyone that had a parent working there had free access to as much cheap beer as they cared for. Schaffer, Schlitz, Old Miluakee, ..... I remember drinking some piss water called Gobel one night and ended up projectile vomiting into, not out of, my friend Beau's truck.
      If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.


      • #18
        Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post

        I am the same way sir! I can't stand beer, and since beer is an acquired tasted that never took. You should not be ashamed.

        I am a liquor guy, also been that way even in HS. Crown and coke is my poison.
        See, that's me. I really don't care for the taste of beer and I have no shame for it. I have tried many types and brands. I do kinda like a Guinness once in a while. I have to be in the mood for it. I don't have a picky palate which frees me to not fear trying some of the stuff other people turn their nose up at...and I can get drunk cheaper.

        Yeah, so I made it through the can. I drink pretty fast. I don't have any stupid stories unless you count playing around on dfwmustangs and not using my backspace key as much to fix all my bad spellings. IDGF when I was typing. I had a hard buzz and I would not have driven anywhere, but it wasn't that bad. I think people just make up shit for the attention. Most of you people sound like you could drink me under the table, so what is all this bullshit stories about how bad off you were with one can of stuff like this? C'mon! Its only 8%.


        • #19
          That shit is gross. I've probably drank 25-30 40's of it though.


          • #20
            We call it bum tranquilizer. That stuff is absolutely vile.


            • #21
              That was my first case when I was 13 I thought I was big shit beeing able to buy beer at the gas station. The clerk didn't even ID me he just laughed that right there should have told me something. I had a 3 friends over and I remember the first gulp I wanted to spit it out and pour the rest down the drain but I didn't want to look like a pussy. We drank 3 a piece and didn't even make it to midnight before we all were puking our guts out. My dad asked us what happened I didn't want to tell him but he already knew.He told me well rest up because your going to work with me in the morning. Nothing worse than working out in the 110 degree hit dry heaving.


              • #22
                Fuck drinking malt liquor...ack.
                2012 5.0 M6


                • #23
                  Friend of mine drank three 40oz's of that at a party. He passed out and shit his pants.


                  • #24
                    Two of the worste tasting beers ever brewed IMO are steel reserve and arrogant bastard ale..


                    • #25
                      I'll look into this steel reserve. Is it a malt liquor? Not really much on malt liquor but I'd give it a whirl.

                      I like a 24oz of Natty Daddy. My kids call it nasty daddy but I find it to be a good jump start followed up by a couple bud lights for a "warm" evening out by the pool.

                      We used to get mickey's big mouth and boones farm when I was a youngster. Many a night I can't quite remember.


                      • #26
                        [QUOTE=TexasT;796079]I'll look into this steel reserve. Is it a malt liquor? Not really much on malt liquor but I'd give it a whirl.

                        you will die!!! from that 'BUM TRANQUILIZER'

                        Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by wishitwasasvt View Post
                          Two of the worste tasting beers ever brewed IMO are steel reserve and arrogant bastard ale..
                          You just described to extremely opposite ends of the spectrum in the beer world.

                          Arrogant Bastard is some seriously hoppy stuff, but it is most definitely on the better crafted end.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
                            You just described to extremely opposite ends of the spectrum in the beer world.

                            Arrogant Bastard is some seriously hoppy stuff, but it is most definitely on the better crafted end.


                            • #29
                              Thanks for letting my misuse of two slide.


                              • #30
                                They still both taste like shit..

