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Steel reserve...

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  • Steel reserve...

    I have been curios about thes stuff since I heard about it so when I was getting gas tonight and deciding what I wanted to drink, i picked up a can. Just so happoened a black dude was standing behind me. I apologized for being in the ay and he saw what I picked up. He was telling me "Shit man, you drink dat stuff?" "I'm BLACK and I won't drnk that stuff it will fuck you up!". "Hey you know what <blah blah blah> means on a police scanner? It means buglarly and yo mind fixin' to be burblarized!". Dude cracked me up. I told him I was just going to sip it setting on the front porch. He said last time he drank one it took him like 3 days tio get through a casn. I condider myself a lightweight, but it was a little strong. Actually pretty tasty as far as beers go and I am usually not a fan of beer taste. 8% by volume doesn't sound like much thought. The Fourloco was 12%, but iI didnt want my snot tasting like water melon.

    Yeah Im a little buzzzed and I know I didnt spell everthing right, but 2 oura 3 aint bad

  • #2
    Frank drunk? Score


    • #3
      that shit is gross. my poison of choice when i was a unemployed alcoholic. walmart used to sell a 12pk for $6


      • #4
        Originally posted by Frank View Post
        Actually pretty tasty as far as beers go and I am usually not a fan of beer taste.

        You comparing it to mop&glo or something? That shit is hideous..

        but, in your defense, it will get the job done for pennies on the dolla'



        • #5
          Bud lce is way better

          3devo using ICS 4.03 stock
          Trick3d EVO


          • #6
            this any fireworks brah???


            • #7
              we sell beer at work. and only the broke ass crackheads drink that shit WHY???
              because it and BUD ICE, are cheap.... i see all the bums begging for change in our store. but by the time i kick em out. they already have $1.69 TO buy that shit.

              i tried it one time and OMFG, that shit tests like shit.... one 24oz can fucked me up so bad i took my pants off. and was about to take a shit, when i realized i was in the "kitchen" NOT the bathroom. so fuck that shit. the only 'cheap' i drink is miller hi-life, but 99% of the time i drink GUINNES or mickey's.

              Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


              • #8
                211 tastes like shit. Look at the price, you get what you pay for.


                • #9
                  I haven't even attempted to drink one since high school. That shit is awful. I do have some good (and fuzzy) memories of some of those nights though lol.
                  .223 > 911


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Frank View Post
                    Actually pretty tasty as far as beers go and I am usually not a fan of beer taste.
                    This part makes me hang my head in shame for you.
                    2012 Competition Orange BOSS 302


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mustangfreak View Post
                      This part makes me hang my head in shame for you.

                      I am the same way sir! I can't stand beer, and since beer is an acquired tasted that never took. You should not be ashamed.

                      I am a liquor guy, also been that way even in HS. Crown and coke is my poison.


                      • #12
                        Was chilling at a buddies tattoo shop in Deep Ellum and the bum they pay to take the trash out and clean and shit started hitting me up for change. I asked him what he was after and he said just some beer. I told him I would pay for it if he would bring me back something, he agreed. I gave him a $5 and he came back with a can of 211. It was absolutely the worse thing I have ever drank. I made it two sips in and poured it down the toilet....


                        • #13
                          I actually like the taste of Steel Reserve. The problem with it is halfway into the can I started getting a headache


                          • #14
                            Must be ice cold! I can chug a bud ice 40 and only be buzzed. If I drink, not chug a steelie I'm fucked up.


                            • #15
                              Some Steel Reserve!! My man, black can is the shit! I used to buy the 32oz at the corner store just to get the "un-approving" looks.
                              Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

                              Pro-Touring Build

