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Hangover prevention? cures?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by GE View Post
    If I've been drinkin', I pop two Advil with a glass of water before going to bed, and then I drink a big Gatorade the next day.
    This has always worked for me
    '93 Cobra-Coyote Powered
    '13 Dodge Cummins
    '14 Rubicon X


    • #47
      Lots of water and an some asprins before you sleep.

      Enough water to make you get up and piss in the middle of the night, after that drink more water. I believe in pissing all that stuff out

      I might smell like some beer in the morning, but i dont feel like crap and i make it to work at 5:30 every morning.

      I read that eggs are good for hangovers.

      Mexicans believe in Menudo in the morning for hangovers
      Asians believe in Pho in the morning for hangovers
      Originally posted by 03trubluGT
      Your opinion is what sucks.
      You are too stupied and arrogant


      • #48
        Keep yourself hydrated and eat an apple the next morning. They say there’s an acid in apples that can cure hangovers!


        • #49
          fuck im gona need it, trying to choke down two waters here...


          • #50
            Swing by the health food store, buy a bottle of prickly pair cactus juice, drink one shot before going out for the evening, thank me later!

            <----- hasn't had a hangover in 8 years
            If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.


            • #51
              Originally posted by trailerparksuperstar View Post
              Swing by the health food store, buy a bottle of prickly pair cactus juice, drink one shot before going out for the evening, thank me later!

              <----- hasn't had a hangover in 8 years


              • #52
                Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                I said I didn't get hangovers, not that I could spell
                It prevents hangovers not stupidity
                Last edited by trailerparksuperstar; 08-28-2012, 09:58 AM.
                If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.


                • #53
                  It's something so simple that everyone just wants to debate because some motherfucks simply just cannot drink. Hangovers are the result of dehydration and blood sugar levels. If you drink enough without any sort of hydration you will get a hangover. End of story. Don't give me the typical BS of I don't get hangovers. Everyone gets them, some people just LEARN how to drink better than others. Some people understand they want to have fun and not feel like ass for 2 days afterwards. So they learn to drink water between drinks, they go to bed without having those last 5 beers some people do at 4am, they don't drink on an empty stomach, they don't drink shitty liquor, they don't mix liquor, wine and beer.

                  Personal tolerances vary, but regardless you must have food in your system and yo umust stay as hydrated as possible. End of story. There's not a magical pill that prevents the alcohol from depleting your body. Your body fucking hates what alchol does to it and that's why you feel like shit if you drink too much. Whoever invents a hangover pill will be a BILLIONAIRE.

                  Luckily I learned a long time ago. I love the shit out of beer, all kinds of good beer. I know I can't go pounding 10 IPA's at 9%abv without consequences. Stay smart and stay within your limits.

                  Like bcoop said, if I had to deal with hangovers like some people do, I'd quit drinking. My old roommate used to be in a coma on the couch all day after a night of drinking. It was pathetic, lol.


                  • #54
                    Dehydration causes the headache. That's been covered.

                    The pounding heartbeat and general lousy feeling is likely withdrawal. That's why "the hair of the dog" helps. Maybe occasional drinkers don't get that, though. If I drink a lot over the course of a few weeks I will always wake up with a pounding heartbeat and restlessness. My doc told me that shit is dangerous, and that alcohol withdrawals can physically kill you quicker than withdrawals from much harder drugs (like heroin, for example).

                    I only get headaches when I drink cheap booze. I really don't drink water at all, though I know I should. And I just fight through the withdrawal symptoms. I can't bring myself to start drinking early in the morning.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by brett622
                      Hangover symptoms are the result of the toxins inside the body, which arise with the degradation of the alcohol. Hangovercaps provide the body with a basis of the right vitamins. By taking Hangovercaps before consuming alcohol, you provide your liver with the optimal basis.
                      You're a few months late to the party. Just sayin'!


                      • #56
                        I forget the name of the pills... But they are red. You take a couple with your first drink and your good. Cvs and walgreens sells them. I used to take them when i was younger and they really do work. I got up in the morning and felt no after effect from the night before.

                        Take tha red ones, not the blue ones though! LOL.

                        Found it...

                        Chasers plus. It works out cheaper in the jar as opposed to individual packages. This stuff really works. LOL.
                        Last edited by 4.6coupe; 02-21-2013, 07:10 AM.
                        ./ ____ _ _\.
                        (]]]_ o _[[[)

                        God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


                        • #57
                          Bein young is great haha. Never had a hangover


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                            Bein young is great haha. Never had a hangover
                            I've never had a hangover from Kool-Aid either.


                            • #59
                              I could go for a bloody mary this morning.
                              "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                                Bein young is great haha. Never had a hangover
                                Then you have never truly partied my man!
                                1993 Vibrant Red Cobra #1741.

                                If you want more inches - Stroke it!!!

