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Eating out or at home

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SVT Lurch View Post
    Do tell.
    I lived on ~$2/day for about 2 months just as a personal challenge. Zero fast food or restaurants, and basically no processed food beyond canned goods. My staples were rice & beans which you can buy in bulk, and then raw vegetables and fruits. I would cook a whole chicken and use the meat by its self or in soups which are easy to freeze and reheat, and I replaced bread with tortillas.

    It was actually pretty easy once you get used to cooking everything, and planning out your meals for the week.


    • #47
      We spend just as much or more per meal when we cook really good stuff at home. When we try to eat sandwiches and salads and frozen pizzas, it comes out to the same as getting cheap meals out.


      • #48
        I have a family of 4 (5 on Sunday nights) and I cook about 50% of the time..I go to Walmart and spend about $100 bucks every 2 weeks.

        Aldi is cool if you have one close to you..their stuff isn't bad but the selection is kinda limited.

        I find that I would rather eat at home because I get sick of eating the same crap over and over. I refuse to shop at the "regular" grocery stores..Wal Mart is a pain in the ass but it really is cheaper.

        Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.


        • #49
          i'd say the wife and i do 50/50, which is still too much. eating in and making your own lunch is cheaper.


          • #50
            It's normally cheaper for me to cook/eat at home... But then I end up with leftovers that I don't want to eat.


            • #51
              as a single guy, its about break even to cook vs go out and eat. Me, being lazy, i prefer to just grab something out and about.

              Now, as a couple or a family, it really becomes more of a factor.


              • #52
                Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                as a single guy, its about break even to cook vs go out and eat. Me, being lazy, i prefer to just grab something out and about.

                Now, as a couple or a family, it really becomes more of a factor.
                I found it pretty difficult to cook for just myself, though I learned to take leftovers and use them in a different dish, that helped to mix things up and make meat portions last longer.
                Originally posted by Leah
                Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                  2-3 lbs of meat
                  10 slices of cheese
                  2 bags of spinach
                  1 jar of pickles
                  2 red onions
                  container of Mustard
                  Wheat bread

                  plus chips, don't forget the chips.

                  That is what it breaks down to.
                  LOL! How much freakin' meat do you think you get on a 6" Subway sandwich.

                  Absolutely you can spend less than you would at Subway. I make my daughter's school lunch every day which includes a sandwich on wheat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and fruit salad and some sort of desert.

                  Less than a buck fiddy a kid per day which includes Boar's Head meats.
                  Originally posted by Denny
                  I call dibs on Don's balls!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by OldGuysRule View Post
                    LOL! How much freakin' meat do you think you get on a 6" Subway sandwich.

                    Absolutely you can spend less than you would at Subway. I make my daughter's school lunch every day which includes a sandwich on wheat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and fruit salad and some sort of desert.

                    Less than a buck fiddy a kid per day which includes Boar's Head meats.
                    The 2-3 was a guess. I was saying maybe a lb a week if I went 5 times a week.

